Some Info To Begin

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Just a few things mentioned that might need an explanation- don't hesitate to ask if there's something you'd like me to explain!

•A King's name will always end in -star (Brackenstar etc.)

•A Queen's name will always end in -moon (Patchmoon etc.)

•The oldest of the Royal kits is the Heir, and will succeed the King/Queen when they die or retire (Hawkstorm, for example)

•As each Kingdom is so large, multiple camps are established. Each camp is run by a camp leader, usually a Royal or Knight. (Doveclaw is the leader of far camp, and Pebbletoe is an exception- she isn't Royal or a Knight)

•Knights have many duties, arguably the most important one to protect the Royals. They act like bodyguards and generally accompany the Royals everywhere. The majority of Knights will stay in the same camp as the King and Queen. (Leopardfang, Froghop, Weaselspots and Splashwind all live in main camp with the Royals)

•Cats are promoted to Knighthood for a variety of reasons, but only worthy cats reach this rank. You cannot be born a Knight, the same way you are not born in any Common rank.

•Royals are trained in all skills- hunting, fighting, healing, building, leadership, strategy, spiritual studies etc.

•Knights receive extra training in skills they did not specialize in, as to better serve the Kingdom

•All apprentices learn to hunt and fight, and many pick up some basic healing knowledge.

•Royals are the family of the King and Queen, from the Grand Duke/Duchess (the older sibling), High Baron/Baroness (younger sibling) to their kits (Barons, Duchesses etc)
(Doveclaw is a High Baron and the younger brother of Patchmoon)

•Commons are the rest of the Kingdom and make up the general population

•There is no StarClan, though deceased cats become part of the stars in Silverpelt, and their life essence, generally thought of as blood, joins the Spirits, who are basically the gods of creation

•Like Healers, Builders are a small rank. Cats who train as Builders learn how to construct traps, dens etc, but also train as either a Hunter or Guard (Vixencloud trained as a Guard, for example)

That's all I can think of for now, so on with the story

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