Dinner time!

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Once Hira was out of her state of shock, we all sat around the fire on the pillows, eating dinner.

"Well, if your going to kidnap me, I at least want to know more about your mission, and yourselves." Said Hira in a stubborn voice. It appears she was starting to act normally.

"Yeah, you haven't told me much about it either." Replied Akuma. They both stared at me in wonder.

"Well, my mission is to fight against Megami, the goddess queen." I replied, at this Hira shifted nervously. "I recruited you, Akuma, since you are one of the most powerful dark forces, but you are only one of my many future recruits. We are breaking into high security prisons to rescue and recruit rebel demons, humans, and even rebel goddesses. Once we have a army, we go and take back the crown for our world." I stated. Akuma looked impressed at my determination, Hira still looked nervous. "Also, my name is Kishi. I'm a solo rebel." I said, trying to somehow soothe Hira's nerves.

"I'm the demon queen, but you can call me Akuma. I make WEAPONS AND LEAD SKELETON ARMIES!" She screamed, floating a little off her seat.

"What about you, Hira, what do you do?" I asked, curious. After a sigh, she replied

"I'm a healer that will soon be working with goddesses, to find better ways of preserving the body and soul of worshippers, they say I'm really good, that I'll be with them for a long time!" She said excitedly. A small hatred grew inside me.

"HA! I've seen this before. They hire you, you work, they're all nice to you, then as you get more comfortable, they get more strict, and if you disappoint them than SLICE!" Said Akuma, drawing a finger across her neck. "You become new jewlery." She said. Hira than shifted a bit, a new perspective of the goddesses had been opened to her.

"Thanks for warning me, but it won't matter if I agree with you or not, I'll be on your team now, I literally have no choice. Have some bread." Said Hira, placing a basket of bread in the middle of us. I grabbed a piece, and from behind Akuma slithered a black snake like thing reaching for bread. After seeing it, I realized it was a tail. It had a spear-like tip and it was black. It grabbed a piece of bread and held it over Akuma's mouth as she took a bite. "I didn't know you had a tail." I said, curious on how I hadn't seen it before.

"Oh, yeah, it comes from my leotard thing, so when I summon it, it saps out a bit of the leotard." She replied, mouth full of bread. I realized that her leotard had minuscule holes in it since she summoned the tail. "Interesting." I replied, ready to dig in to the warm bread. "Well, Hira, if your looking to be a healer, I can help you a bit with that." Said Akuma, a grin on her face.

"Really, I thought demons were horrid healers!" Said Hira with interest.

"I may not be good at physical healing, but I know how to tap into a person's soul and heal it. I also know, unlike the goddesses, how to put a soul to rest the way it was meant to be. I'll teach you during our journey." Said Akuma.

"Oh really! Thank you thank you THANK YOU! You guys might be less aggravating than I thought!" Said Hira, sarcasm written on her face. My eye twitched at her tone, but I let it be.

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