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There were guards on every inch of the prison, even some with magic. We stayed a good distance and examined the place looking for a weak spot. Akuma said she could just attack from afar, but I said it would trigger a warning. We needed to be stealthy, but it seemed hopeless, there were to many guards, Akuma had an innocent smile on her face. She stared at me until I spoke.

"Ugh fine." I said.  Akuma, with one quick swoop of her wings rose into the air, higher and  higher. I saw from here, the guards trying to get a better look, but all they saw was Akuma's outline in the sun. She cast a huge shadow on the prison. Then she surrounded her self with fire that seemed to be closing in on her, but then, she shot it off her at the front guards. It melted their armor, but the magic armor easily repaired itself.

They realized it was an attack. They all got in battle ready positions, and we all charged in, Akuma swooping down from the sky, flying low on the ground. Arrows rained from above, but Akuma swiftly dodged them. It was a bit more difficult for us to dodged them though, so Hira, grudgingly, summoned force fields that moved with us, and we ran on to attack. Akuma was slicing her hands through the air and summoning waves of fire that she sent to the guards, piercing their armor, but not enough to kill them, just  enough to make them vulnerable.

I remember she did this in the other prison, not killing the enemy. I'd have to ask her after why she did this, but for now I was chopping down an army of guards with Hans. I saw he was extremely skilled on the battle field. I felt my face get hot, but that was probably because I was sweating, no other reason.....Hira suddenly let go of the force field, and any guard it touched fell unconscious. We trampled the unconscious guards and burst inside. The guard inside was very small, since they sent most outside to protect the prison.

We easily defeated them and walked through the corridor. We saw many innocent looking people in electric cells. They all looked scrappy and hungry seeing them pass. Hira looked horrified at these poor people, knowing that the Goddesses did this.

"We need to free them." I said.

"No." Said Akuma.

"What do you mean no!" Said Hira and me in unison. Complaints rang out from anyone in earshot.

"If we free them, they won't get far, and if their found they'll be killed. And here, they're fed here, they'd never find food outside here." Stated Akuma. It made sense, though tempting to free them. "We get who we came for." Said Akuma, reaching the end of the corridor. She blasted the door down with fire and walked inside. It was a large, dimly lit room.

A huge bird cage in the middle. "Yo Vortex! We is gonna get chu OUT!" Screamed Akuma. We all looked up and saw a figure perched at the top. It dropped down. The figure came into the light.

She was wearing a black and white jumper. She had violet eyes and her face was pale with galaxy-pattern splotches on it. Her hair was light lilac and put in a pony tail. She had short, sharp black horns, and huge angel wings with horns on them.

"Long time no see, Sans." Said Vortex in a rough voice. The mention of that name filled her eyes with tears.

"H-hi Vortex." Said Akuma. Akuma blasted the bird cage with fire. So Sans was the name she didn't tell me. "That was just cruel, keeping you in a bird cage." Said Akuma and gave Vortex a quick hug.

"Now let's get out of here." I said.

"Wait!" Yelled Vortex. She swooped to the back wall of the room and kicked a door down. Inside was  a storage room. We walked in and Vortex retrieved a box, and all the way at the back was a large glass case containing the biggest scythe I've ever seen. She broke the glass with ease and an alarm sounded off.

"Now, let's go." Said Vortex swooping out of the room. Akuma grabbed the rest of us and flew off, out of the prison. We were soon back in the skies. "It feels good to be back!" Yelled Vortex. "So, what's the name of your crew." She asked.

"I'm  Kishi." I replied. "And this is Hira, and Hans." I continued.

"Well I'm Vortex, old friend of Akuma." She said elbowing her. "How'd you know where to find me?" She asked. I explained about the light pad to her. "So, why did you break me out?" She asked.

"She's gonna recruit a bunch of rebels to defeat the goddesses." Akuma  stated, interrupting me.

"WHAT!" Screamed Vortex, stopping into her tracks. Akuma bumped into her and we all fell out of the sky. As soon as we all recovered from the fall Vortex looked at us as if we were crazy. "I've only fought guards, I went against a few weak goddesses, but I got cocky and went against a strong one, she caught me, I can't IMAGINE going against Megami, it's a death wish." She yelled.

"That's *cough* why we're getting an army." I said, but Vortex still looked unsure. "Sans, you've been gone for a long time, the goddesses... They've gotten way stronger then you're used to." She said. Everyone stood in silence.

"Well, let's make camp for the night." I said. We all got settled in as Hans rustled up some grub from his food sack. Vortex changed into her clothes from the box. She wore a tattered black hoodie with the sleeves ripped off, light lilac pants with a leather strap wrapped around her leg that held a faucet pipe, and black, scuffed boots.. It looked old and used. She was wielding her huge scythe.

"You're still wearing that old thing?" Asked Akuma jokingly.

"Always have always will." She replied and they both laughed. After some light chatting, they rested up.

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