Part 6

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Richard's Pov
I kissed her! I really did! Oh no Chris is gonna kill me!I kissed his little sister......SHIT! I turned to look at her and said "Im sorry Florencia and thank you for the breakfast "I smiled and left only to start feeling weird.
      Florencia's Pov
Oh shit he kissed me! I just frozed and a feeling of disappointment rushed over me. Im not possibly falling in love right? I mean I met the guy yesterday that would be crazy if I did fall in love I mean last time I believed in love or love at first sight was with.......never mind. But I made my way out but when I opened the door only to see Christopher. I scoffed and said "What do you want? "He gave me guilty look and said "Im sorry Flores I overreacted and Im just sick and tired of you being scared of love. Life has obstacles and one of them is love.Last time you did overcome an obstacle of love was with Joan but that failed and Im trying to help but I guess it seems like Im forcing you"I gave him a sympathetic look and hugged him. Before I said anything he said"The reason why I brought you to LA was so you can move in with me and the guys and I guess I messed chances up"I smiled and said"Chris you're my older brother How could I say no?Of course I'll move in with you!"He sprinted of the front step to hug me tight. I chuckled and said "C'mon"
     *In the streets*
We were walking quietly and all of sudden speaks up and says "Admit it you do like Richard a little bit tho "I blushed and he chuckled and ruffled my loose hair. I kissed him and said "Thank you tuti " He looked confused "For what? " I smirked and said "For giving me opportunities and being protective " He smiled and pulled me in kissing my head whispering "Love you Flores"

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