Chapter 5

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Sorry guys for the slow updates and small chapter, I hope you like it if so don't forget to follow.
Last time
But then Wendy took Grey's egg back and I saw Erza's egg moving so I decided that it would be better if she stayed in her egg than be out here.
Today Amu was at school so I decided to take a walk around the area. Nastu was flying around lugging Lucy's egg and complaining that there was nothing to do, this was the main reason I was going for this walk I didn't want Nastu to burn down the house. I carefully put each of the other egg in a bag Amu had gave me and then we sneaked out the window. I had been walking around for almost five minutes I was enjoying the piece and quite, then I realised that Nastu would never be quite. I span around so see the Nastu wasn't there and he took Lucy's egg to. "Nastu, Nastu" I was running around looking for them and I was now getting worried, then I felt something moving in my bag it was Grey's egg. Then out popped a shirtless mini Grey I explained to him the whole thing about being in a different universe and after that i explained to him that nastu that is missing and he took Lucy's egg with him. "❤️️GREY-SAMA❤️️" straight away I who that was there was a flash of blue and them Juvia looked like she was straggling grey with hearts in her eyes. "Could both of you please look for Nastu and Lucy, and Grey please explain to Juvia what is happening?" I said and with that Juvia was dragging Grey away going on about how much she had missed him.
Everything was dark I was trying to remember what had happened, I was talking to Levy and Wendy about this new spell I found and then everything went black. "Were are we? Wendy is going to be worried if I don't find her" I here someone saying, was that Nastu? I tried to run to were his voice was but after one step I ran into what felt like a wall. I put my hands on it and tried to find the edge but it was like it was a circle. I saw a tiny crack of light and knew that I had to brake it, so I tried to punch it. I put all my strength into the one punch and throw it, put then the circle thing opened on its own and my fist ended up punching a mini Natsu in the face 'wait what' "huh?"

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