1- The Story Behind the Dress

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Welcome readers to my first fanfiction, I love the RWBY series and Cinder has always had my attention as one of my favorite antagonists. Well do enjoy; I will do my best to entertain the both of us.

y/n = your name

l/n = last name

f/c = favorite colour

Cinder POV

One moment he was there, smiling and laughing with me as we walked outside to some secret location he had planned in advance. Always the one for dramatic effect he would say. I had no idea what he had planned. Just that it involved walking in high heels out into a forest at night, while wearing a dress, during our celebratory graduation dance. Needless to say, it was... different to how I imagined my first escapade with (y/n) would go. I always hoped that it would have been you know, during the day when it wasn't cold out and there wasn't an important dance going on behind us.

Regardless I followed him, as I always do. I'm not sure he even noticed how dressed up I was for him. It's been years and still, he hasn't made any particular move. He was a popular one you know, girls would flirt with him while I was in the middle of a conversation with him. I made sure that didn't happen often by... 'subtly' staking my claim. It wasn't hard considering most of them were already reluctant to approach me. But alas, even if we were always together we had never actually been together.

So here we are, out in a forest on a cold night but yet I follow the only man to have ever taken an interest in me. Maybe tonight's the night, that would be presumptuous of me though. I've always told myself never to have high expectations so that I can never fail. 


The only woman who had ever made a grand impression on me was following me into a forest, where I hid my graduation gift for her. I hope she liked it. I've never been that great at gift giving, but I put a lot of effort into this one. Of course, I'd never her tell her how much time I invested into this project because she would probably kill me for not using that time for myself. She was worth it, ever since I met her she came off as a confident, cunning, calm and collected type of person. Every other girl I had met prior to her were always so unsure of themselves and put up a front around me. Cinder Fall, I never would have ever imagined we were so compatible. One day I hope we can be more than just friends. What am I saying, a woman like her must have suitors flocking to her on a daily basis. Oh well, one can hope.

"Why are we outside of the city grounds again?" Cinder inquired.

"Well it wouldn't be a secret if I told you now would it" I replied.

"Perhaps you could have had this mystery location, oh I don't know somewhere a little closer to civilization?" She teased.

"Haha yeah that might have been a bit more ideal but ... well I've been working on a project for awhile and it isn't exactly legal" I said sheepishly as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh, the great y/n is actually a criminal? Well, today is full of surprises, isn't it? First, you complimented me on my outfit and now I discover my dear friend is plotting some evil scheme. How unexpected this has been" She laughed.

"Hey, today is... special, it's graduation am I not allowed to compliment such a wonder as seeing Cinder Fall getting dressed up?" I smirked.

"Ha! You're one to talk when was the last time you wore a tux, y/n?" She coyly remarked.

"I didn't say I wasn't just as abnormal today as you are, hell I think everyone is acting a bit odd today. I mean after tonight many of us will be sent across the world to help manage the Grimm. You know what forget I said any of that, just enjoy tonight and think about the future later" I rambled.

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