A proposal

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"(Y/N)! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!" A voice calls out from the darkness, desperate and in tears from the slight crack to it.
You try to reach out but you're being pulled away by something red. Another voice, a much deeper one, sounds in your ear. "My dear...you can't hide. I will find you..."

You sit up with a gasp, breathing heavily. You realize you're in your own bed and calm down. Sun shines through the window to your side, the sunlight burning your eyes. "Time to get up..." you mutter, swinging your legs off the side of the bed.

Looking through the closet, you attempt to find the dress your mother chose out for you.
The dress is a beautiful ball gown, lace sleeves and a lace back, with taffeta skirts almost making it look like a cloud.
After putting it on, (with a good deal of trouble), you walked out into the hall to find your mother.
"(Y/N)!" Your mother calls from downstairs.
"Coming!" You reply, gently padding down the stairs as to not get the dress torn or dirty.
"Oh darling you look beautiful...let's get your hair tamed." She smiles warmly at you.
You take a seat and she starts to arrange your gentle curls. No one in the family is sure how you got curls, as the rest of the family has strait hair.
She pins up your hair to show off the small ringlets that frame your face, then pats your shoulder to show that she's done.
"Oh darling...you're so beautiful..." Your mother smiles and hugs you.
"I love you mom.."
"I love you too..." Her voice breaks a little, and you hug her tighter.
"Sorry about that dear, well then let's be off."

You arrive at the party and immediately cringe. The people all seem uncomfortable as the music hasn't started and yet the man this party was thrown for, Piangi, was attempting to dance in the mean time.
You roll your eyes and beg your mother not to make you dance with him.
"He's a good man (Y/N)! Give him a chance." You grumble and make your way over as the music finally starts.
"Good day Piangi." You curtsy; and he fumbles a bit in bowing.
"Miss (Y/N)." He replies in a heavily Italian accented voice.
"Would you care to dance?" He holds out a chubby hand and you can't help but imagine all of the ways you could escape this situation, the most permanent one would be dying...or murder...You shake your head and decide to get it over with.
"I would love to." You lie as you take his hand and he leads you into a waltz.
You began to let your mind wander to frivolous things such as a person flying.
"So what do you think Miss (Y/N)?" Piangi snaps you out of your trance:
"Huh? Oh...could you repeat yourself?"
"Miss (Y/N) please do try to pay more attention." He rolls his eyes.
You glare and mutter under your breath about him before he begins speaking again.
"I shall repeat myself. I can not contain it anymore (Y/N), I love you and would like to ask for your hand in mariage." He gets down on one knee and gives you a sheepish grin, taking one of your hands in his.
"Oh my...Piangi I....hm?" Your gaze drifts off and catches sight of a strange rabbit-like creature...
"I....I'd like some time to think." You say before running off towards where you saw the rabbit. How very odd.....
"Miss (Y/N)! Where are you going?!" He yelled after you, but you didn't turn back, you were determined to find out what it was that you saw....
You were led out into the gardens, lined with gorgeous white roses.
A haunting melody played in the distance, and being the curious girl that you are, you followed the sound......
The air chills considerably as you come upon a large tree, with violent vines and a large hole at its base... a rabbit hole.
"Hello? Please come out rabbit, I won't hurt you!" You lean over the tunnel and peer into the seemingly-never ending distance it goes down.
With barely enough time to let out a squeak you are pulled into the rabbit hole, colors and objects flying around you.
As you finally land, everything goes black...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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