Tell Me Your Name

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     It's raining a storm as I sit on a bench at the small duck pond located in my campus. The rain is dripping off my forehead and onto my eyelashes making the whole world a blur to me. It only fits though as I can't seem to make sense of what's happening in my life; it's all a blur. I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my hoodie and try to resist the urge from checking it, but I end up pulling it out to see the name Danny run across my screen. I hesitate to answer the call, but end up hitting the green button due to the lack of will power.

"Anaiah, you answered." He says in an airy breath.

"You called," I replied wittingly.

"You have to let me explain, Anaiah."

"Yeah, after five months of cheating on me right? Tell me Danny, if I never found out, would you still be on the other end of this phone right now?" I blink away the rain from my eyes and look ahead of me to see a guy sitting on the bench across from me. I see him staring at me after I had raised my voice with my rhetorical question. Danny sighs on the other end of the line not saying a word for a while.

"Anaiah, I don't know what happened. I really never meant to hurt y-"

"But you did," I can see the guy on the bench try to discreetly eavesdrop on my pointless conversation, "Anyway, I gotta go. Have fun with your freshmen girlfriend though."

"Anaiah wai-" I hang up the phone and place my phone back in my pocket. At this point the rain picked up even more as I closed my eyes and looked up towards the dim gray sky. I've always loved the rain. It made me happy, but not today.

"Are you okay?" I look back down and see a tall, built guy with brown hair standing in front of me, "Sorry, normally I wouldn't ask, but I've recently been cheated on too and I don't know... I just know it sucks," he says taking a seat on the bench a little away from me.

"Yeah, no it's uhh a bit more complicated than that," I say looking down at my hands playing with my fingernails.

"Every cheating relationship is complicated, but either way there's only one feeling when it happens; hurt." I look up at him as the rain drips from his semi-curly hair onto his pink lips. He looks me in eyes with his intense light brown ones that cause me to look ahead of me again.

"Obviously you're hurt; I can see the tears forming in your eyes," he says leaning forward a bit to look in my eyes. All I can do is scoff.

"These aren't tears it's just the rain," I say shaking my head looking back down at my hands - these stupid shaking hands. He sees my hands and places one of his above mine making my pulse grow faster. There's no way that he can't feel my pulse with how fast it's going, but he keeps it there to try and comfort me. It does help warm me up a bit but mostly it just builds up my anxiety.

"Well, either way, if you feel bad you shouldn't because like you said, he is dating a freshmen," he lightly chuckles which makes me form a small unnoticeable smile.

"Um, well, I should go. My class is about to start," I say standing up and grabbing my backpack from the ground next to me. He stands up with me and fixes his dark grey shirt, which doesn't seem to help as the rain continues to make it soggy and hang off his muscular body.

"Of course, I'm sorry but now that I'm getting a better look at you, you look really familiar. What's your name?" He asks yelling over the gusty wind as he squints his eyes to block the rain from entering them.

"Anaiah," I reply back hovering my hand over my eyes to create a visor.

"Right, well you should get to class," He says giving me a corner smile. I swallow the lump in my throat and give a slight nod before moving past him to walk to class. I can feel his eyes following me as I leave the small water fountain area. As soon as I leave I get this shiver down spine and I can't decipher if it's from the cold damp weather or if it's from the intensity that was formed around that whole conversation. All I knew was that after I left, I couldn't help but to get the same vaguely familiar sense that he was feeling.

      I too feel as if I've seen him before, but I can't pinpoint a specific place. One of the many pleasures of being born into a military family is the entire constant moving, so when situations like this arise; it gets pretty confusing to place a certain person in a certain setting with a certain memory. But his face was oddly standing out for some reason. At this point, I mentally punch myself in the face for not getting his name. I just needed a name so that it won't be eating away at me where I know him from... just a name.

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