Chapter 8

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Happy Valentine's Day! I love you~ ♥


Zayn felt alone when he woke up. He glanced around for Niall, but he wasn't there. There was no reason for him to be there- after all, Zayn had watched his mum and Niall walk out of the door so Ashley could drive him home.

He wished Niall would have stayed. Zayn had felt nothing but happy yesterday, which was rare- almost impossible for Zayn. He never felt happy for more than an hour at one time. Yesterday, he had been happy from the moment he woke up to the moment Niall left. Zayn wasn't sure how long that was and he was too lazy to count the hours, but it would seem amazing whatever the number. Niall had kept him happy, even without being with Zayn the whole time.

Zayn's heart picked up a little at the thought. He wasn't even trying to deny it anymore- he had a crush on Niall. Maybe it was more than a crush, but it certainly wasn't love yet. Zayn wasn't in love with Niall. If Niall didn't like him back, he wouldn't be heart broken. It was just a crush, but it was one that Zayn didn't feel he would be getting over soon.

"Zayn! Honey, you'll be late!" Ashley called up the stairs, seeing that Zayn had twenty minutes left to get ready and she hadn't even heard him get out of bed yet. Zayn cursed silently and practically rolled out of bed, landing half on his feet, half on his hands. He stumbled to the bathroom and took an all too quick shower. He dried himself off and threw on random clothing. He picked up an old cologne of his and put it on, hardly caring what it smelled like. He remembered deodorant at the last second. He threw on his shoes and bolted downstairs, grabbing his bag on the way down.

"Bye, mum, I love you!" Zayn called. He had no time to hear Zayn's response as he ran outside, closing the door behind him- slamming it in the rush.

Zayn jogged down to his stop, where the bus was just pulling up. He'd made it just in time. He sat back heavily in his seat, sighing as he closed his eyes. Stupid Niall. He almost made Zayn late for school.


"Thanks for dinner." Niall had just turned around in his seat, leaning against Zayn's desk. Last night, Niall had ended up staying at Zayn's for dinner. He never actually got to thank Zayn, which he'd felt bad for (and maybe had panicked about) all night long.

"'Course." Zayn said. He smiled bright. He was happy again. Practice yesterday had gone really well. Niall was absolutely fantastic on the guitar, and he seemed to think of Zayn's voice in the same way. Zayn just knew they were going to rock this assignment, which was actually a big part of their grade.

"So," Niall said, glancing down at Zayn's bag. "Do you have any more drawings to show me? You don't have to show me your drawings or anything, I'm just.... I'm kind of interested."

"Really?" Zayn cocked an eyebrow. They were just drawings- some lines and curves on a piece of paper by pencil, either black and white or colored. Niall nodded, a blush settling over his cheeks. Zayn was really tempted to reach out and press his fingers to Niall's hot cheeks, just to feel the warmth beneath them, but he knew that would be weird. The thought alone was weird. "You're something special, Niall."

"Th-thank you?" It came out sounding like a question, and, in a way, it was a question. Niall wasn't sure if that had been a compliment or if Zayn was kindly making fun of him. Zayn just hummed, so Niall didn't really get an answer.

Then Zayn pulled out his notebook and he and Niall fell into conversation again, with mostly Zayn talking. Niall's eyes scanned and admired all of the pictures as Zayn explained them. There was a back-story to every one of his drawings, as if each one branched off into its own full story. Niall admired that- more than admired. He loved it. He loved Zayn's drawings. They were nothing less than perfect, every single one of them.

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