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Verzalias High is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This is the first book of the Wendigo Psychosis Trilogy. This version is unedited, hence, grammatically wrong sentences, misspelled words and errors can be found. Some chapters may express violence and a theme not suitable for minors. The author will place a trigger warning.


"Our secret is the secret of this school."

Skyler Lee entered the school with a revengeful intention and to set out the lies within the bottomless pit into fire. As she unraveled the mystery of her sister's death, she discovered a bigger picture. The secret of Verzalias High.

"I'm telling you, curiosity kills."

It was like peeling an onion. As she continue peeling, another layer of truth comes out and as she peel the layers, tears fall down because each layer of truth burns the blinded pair of orbs.

It was more than her curiosity and justice. It is about retrieving the sense of existing that she lost when her sister left her without bidding a proper farewell.

"Pretending to know something is very dangerous. Napapahamak ka ng wala sa oras."

Knowing an essential puzzle piece is a double-edged sword, but pretending to have the puzzle is no more than a blunt knife. She cannot pierce anyone, yet anyone can kill a defenseless knight.

"I can prove to the world the existence of the legend."

One legend that shouldn't have existed. One legend that sacrificed thousands of young lives. One legend that killed her.

Will she be able to survive the cruel world she entered?

Scroll down if you're ready to enter Verzalias High.

Special thanks to Lazybleem for the cover!

Verzalias High: School Of SecretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon