I'm Not Scared Of Dying

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Nico's Pov

"Let's finish this!" I yelled.

The Seven cheered and ran forward to the attacking monsters that were destroying their home. This was the fourth attack we had after defeating Gaea.

I slashed, hacked, and turned monsters to gold dust with ease. Usually there would be a few monsters fighting and the others would run. This time all the monsters charged and more kept coming.

"If they try to run don't let them!" Annabeth called.

I don't know if anyone heard her, but I sure did. I slashed through a Hell Hound that tried to sneak up on me and whipped around to be met by 3 Scythian Dracanae.

"Son of Hades you shall perish!" The first one said.

"We'll bring you to Tartarus with us!" The second one said.

"Our new Master will be pleased!" The last one said.

"New Master?" I questioned.

"Yes, he promised us all the demigods we could kill!" The second one cackled. I narrowed my eyes and frowned.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" I snapped and lunged at the laughing Dracanae's. I slashed through the first one and she looked at me, shock across her face.

"Why you little son of-...!" She never got to finish as she exploded into gold dust.

"Yes, I know I am a Son of Hades. Have fun in Tartarus." I said, "Now...who's next?"

The remaining two Dracanae's charged at me. I slashed through one and impaled the other, who exploded instantly.

"You'll pay Son of Hades! Our new Master will make you and your friends suffer!" She wailed and turned to dust.

I turn and see the others finishing the remaining monsters. I looked around and saw monsters turn to dust, but something caught my eye.

Hazel was standing with her back against a tree, her gold eyes were wide and shinning with fear. I cautiously walked towards her. She looked up and shook her head slightly. I looked around, but saw no monsters.

"Hazel-..." I started.

"Nico. Don't. Move." Hazel said, her voice shaking, "And look down."

I slowly looked down and my eyes widened. A Pit Scorpion was slowly crawling towards Hazel.

((If you don't know what a Pit Scorpion is then read this. If you do, then skip it. A Pit Scorpion is a deadly type of monster like scorpion. Many were summoned from the Underworld -more specifically Tartarus- during the first Olympian war. The way it kills is that after a person is stung a red welt instantly appears, oozing yellow pus. Then sound begins to fade and vision is blurred. Soon comes loss of movement and vision. Paralysis follows, then unconsciousness, and then ultimately death, unless the wound is treated immediately.))

I stared at the scorpion moving towards my sister and cautiously took out my sword. If possible, Hazel's eyes widened more.

"Nico..." She whispered, "I'm scared."

"It's okay, Hazel. I promised to protect you and that's what I'm going to do."

Hazel moved her foot and the scorpion jumped. I dropped my sword in shock and shadow traveled in front of Hazel.

"Move!" I shouted.

She ran from behind me just as the scorpion stung my shoulder. I hissed in pain and grabbed the scorpion slamming it onto the tree behind me. I fell to my knees gasping.

"Nico!" Hazel screamed, "Are you ok?!"

I nodded.

"Oh my Gods. Oh my Gods! Let me see? Is it bad?" Hazel stepped forward, but I raised my hand up and stopped her.

"Hazel, I'm fine. Come on we have to go and warm the others in case there are anymore around here." I said ignoring the pain in my shoulder and putting on my best poker face. She nodded and grabbed my arm before sprinting over to the others.

"GUYS! GUYS!" Hazel yelled.

"Hazel! Nico! Thank the Gods you're ok!" They yelled swarming us like Bee's.

"Yeah, we're fine." I lied. Well one of us is fine.

While Hazel went on to explain the scorpion incident I was fighting to keep my vision and hearing from fading.

"Then Nico smashed it into the tree!" Hazel finished.

"WOW!" Leo smiled.

"Percy you should make sure there are no more Pit Scorpions anywhere." Annabeth said.

Percy nodded and closed his eyes. A wave appeared and crashed down onto the floor. It dissapeared into the ground taking all the gold dust with it.

"There we go!" He smiled.

I couldn't feel any part of my body. My vision kept coming and going.

"Nico? Nico? Are you ok? Nico!" Jason called waving his hand in front of my face. I groaned as my legs gave out sending me tumbling to the soft dirt.

"Nico!" The seven shouted and surrounded me.

"Nico? What happened?" Frank asked.

"The Scorpion..." Annabeth said, "It stung you, didn't it!"

I nodded slowly.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Piper yelled.

"...not....important..." I said weakly.

"Yes, it is! It is VERY important Di Angelo!" Percy snapped.

"...take care...of Hazel...please..." I said.

"You're NOT going to die Nico!" Jason said.

"Yes...I am...I feel it...and...so does...Hazel..." I said. Through my blurred vision I saw Hazel crying.

"Don't...cry...Il mio amore..." I said, "We all...die sooner...or...later..."

"I wanted it to be later!" Hazel sobbed.

I smiled weakly, "So did I."

"Percy...promise me something..."

"Nico, please..." Percy started.

"Promise...me you'll...take care of...Hazel for me..."


"Just...promise me, Jackson!" I snapped. He laughed sadly.

"I promise to take care of Hazel for you Death Breath." Percy said. I smiled.

"Nico please! What if I ask dad! Maybe he can-"

"Hazel...stop." I said. Hazel dropped down and hugged me.

"I love you Nico."

"I love you too Haz." I said as I felt my heart slow to a stop and my soul leave my body.

"Non ti scordar di me, Io veglierò su di te."

(Don't forget me. I'm watching over you."

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