One of the Avenger is your parent(s) {AU}

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Niall:  Captain America/Steve Rogers

Your father was none other than the blue, red and white star-spangled man with a plan himself....Captain America. Saying Niall was shocked would have been an understatement. He looked about ready to have a freaking heart attack when you brought him to the Avengers H.Q/Stark towers and introduced him to your dad and the rest of the team. 

Harry: Black Panther/T'Challa Udaku

You were the princess of Wakanda, his  daughter- the product of his relationship with the X-Men Storm from America. Even though they gir divorced, your father nonetheless loved you. You were his entire world. His baby girl. His. That's why when you started growing into a beautiful woman, your father started becoming protective and a bit overbearing, but he was your father and that was because he loved you and had many enemies he knew would use you to get to him. To the kingdom. You were the czarina of Wakanda and your father's little princess. So when he heard that you had a boyfriend in L.A.  Well, let's just say that Harry has a lot of proving to do, before the King of Wakanda deems him good enough. Hopefully, he learns to love him just as much as you do.

Liam: Black Widow&Hulk/Natasha & Bruce

Trust me when I say, you were a surprise to your mother. She didn't think she could ever get pregnant after what H.Y.D.R.A did to her in the Red room, but lo and behold! You were born, pleasing both your parents. Your father, Bruce (A/n: Yeah, I am making Bruce your dad!) carried out some test to make sure you weren't affected by any gamma radioactivity. Luckily you showed no signs of radioactivity (A/n: Much to his relief!), while your mum made sure to keep you under lockdown with lock and key. She didn't want H.Y.D.R.A to find out or end up using you against them. Same with the other Avengers. You even had aliases and wore disguises to prevent enemies from seeing the connection. So imagine her reaction when you introduce both her and Bruce to your boyfriend, Liam. When her little miracle, her baby girl told her she was dating her celebrity crush, Liam James Payne...Let's just say she took it with more than just a grain of salt. 

Louis: Iron Man

Your dad has one night stands all the time, but what no one knew was that this specific one night stand would come back to bite him in the bud. After he got over the initial shock that he'd gotten somebody pregnant wore off, baby fever overtook him. Yep! Apparently, even men can get it and as soon as he found out about your existence-thanks to Pepper, he set off to find you.

First off, he had to persuade your mum NOT to abort you and by 'persuade', I mean paid her off. Thankfully, it works and she dropped you off with Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan, who you warmed up to almost immediately. Not even sparing you a second glance back. Harsh!

Yep! That's right! Your father was none other than Anthony "Tony" Stark, Billionaire Industrialist and Inventor AKA the armoured avenger, Iron Man himself which meant you were exposed to the latest technology and the best education. You were protected and spoiled rotten, but thankfully still humble. 

Your father, to your utmost shock and happiness, loved the brown-haired Doncaster lad and when you introduced them to one another, it was like Louis has always been a part of the family. He was like the son he never had. Heck! He's even joked when the wedding was going to be. You two haven't even been dating for more than 6 months yet and the Avengers adored him. 

He'd commits pranks with Clint, goes jogging with Sam, Steve and Bucky, hangs out with your Uncle Bruce (Surprisingly, he's quite intelligent), teaches Thor about human beings and their customs, spars with Natasha and Clint and even looks at the latest armour with your father. He definitely feels like a part of the Avenger family.

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