An Older Reader...

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"V, a member of the world renown global Kpop group, BTS, has fallen ill and will be missing several schedules. Fans are discouraged but trying to remain positive, wishing their beloved singer a quick recovery."

The woman clicked off the news article and scrolled through Twitter. It was amazing how every aspect of the boys' life was known to everyone. Few things were hidden from their adoring fans.  If something happened everyone knew about it. 

She sighed and turned on some of BTS's softer songs as she scrolled through her twitter.  She had a few friends.  None that really knew her though.  Real life friends were a luxury at this age.  She wasn't old, so to speak, but she wasn't some teenaged beauty with nothing to do but primp and shop.  Some people had to work for a living.

She sighed and shut off Twitter, preparing to chuck her tablet into a nearby chair.  Suddenly a new notification popped up with a happy little bird chirp, her preferred tone of choice.  She leaned over and grabbed her tablet and peered through her chunky black glasses. 

Avid_Rdr updated Reversed

She smiled and opened up the chapter that was sure to be full of fluffy Jimin.  Jimin was her "bias."  Ever since her divorce two years ago, the word "bias" didn't seem so naughty to her anymore.  Before then she'd just called him her favorite member. 

She read through the chapter, smiling, frowning, then trying to see things from a different point of view to better understand.  By the time she reached the end of the chapter, she still had a minor case of the "feels" that all the younger readers hounded about.  She hit the voting star and proceeded to leave a short message on Avid_Rdr's wall, thanking her for the new chapter and celebrating a small milestone with her about book reads.  It was her custom to do this.  She made sure she stayed connected with her favorite author. 

"When will you post them to chapter?  I need something to read. XD"

Avid_Rdr "Haha!  Soon.  Soooooon." 

She smiled.  This author always responded quickly.  She loved it.  They'd formed a sort of unusual friendship, checking up on each other and keeping in close contact, if only just through Wattpad. 

Her phone rang and she saw it was her daughter calling.  She sighed and hesitated to answer.  One shouldn't feel this way when their child calls but she did.  Usually, her daughter called only because she wanted something or needed her mom to do something for her.  It usually involved money.  But sometimes, on rare occasions, it would be childcare.  The woman smiled as she thought of her adorable little granddaughter.  She herself felt too young to be a grandma, but thanks to her beloved daughter's reckless ways, she was a grandmother at the ripe old age of forty. 

She sighed and out of love for her granddaughter, she answered the phone.  "Hello?"

"Mom!  I'm glad you answered." 

"Why wouldn't I answer?" 

"I dunno.  Hey, I need a favor."

The woman sighed softly and pinched the bridge of her nose.  "What would that be?"

"I need you to watch Gigi for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Uh...well...maybe a few days?  I need to get away.  Nick said he'd take me anywhere I wanna go."

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