What If...

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Dear Reader,

I want you to imagine the ending for this story for yourself. I'm leaving it open ended which is unlike me to do so. I like neat and tidy endings. But that's not how life always is.

Not everything is neat and tidy. There aren't always happy endings. We don't always get to see our dreams fulfilled. But that's life. And that's also what makes each and every life a beautiful piece of art. Life is precious, dear reader. Every life.

I often think about what I hope you got from this story. The internet is a wonderful tool but it can be a horrible thing too. Not just because of online predators, or scam artists, but because in all reality, the friends we make online are on the other side of a screen somewhere and we have no control over what happens to them. That's the horrible part - the unknown. What might happen on the other side of the screen.

Most of you reading this book have become dear friends to me. We might have shared vague details about ourselves with each other but to be perfectly honest, we don't know one another at all. I wouldn't recognize you if I saw you on the street and you wouldn't recognize me. I don't even know where many of you are from.

The thing I often think about is what if something happened to you? Or me? How long would it take before we missed one another? How would we go about finding out what happened to you or I?  And just as important, what's going on on your side of the screen that I have no idea about?  We smile and say all is well when asked how we are, but what struggles are each of us really dealing with? 

Most of you are very young.  But please listen to someone who is probably much older than most of you.  Human connections are important.  You'd not have to give your information out to everyone you meet online.  Because, you SHOULDN'T.  But that friend you've known for a long time, you've come to trust them, make sure someone in your real life tells them if something were to happen to you. 

Leave a letter. 

A note on your phone or tablet.


Don't let these dear friends you've made online, spend the rest of their lives wondering whatever happened to you. 

My family and friends do not know I write here.  If something happened to me, they would never come here and tell you because they don't know about this part of my life. 

However, through the course of writing this short story, I've made the decision to make some sort of note somewhere that my family can find so someone can come and let you know if something happens to me. 

Because I care about you guys.

I really do.

I can't be there and help you with your every day problems.  I can't fix anything for you.  But I can listen, which I'm happy to do anytime. 

Please take care of yourselves.  Don't forget to make real life friendships with people who can support you emotionally and mentally.  Online friends are great for fangirling but your real life friends and family will be the ones to give you the real help when you need it most.  

Anyway, sweet reader, I 💜 you.  Really.  You've all made me smile and laugh so many times.  I can't even keep count.  You're precious.  Each and every one of you. 

Stay happy.

Stay healthy. 

Keep reading and growing. 

Till next time,

Happy reading!

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