Sucktastically Six

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Well, naturally, I couldn't not be in the middle of it all. So what do I do? What do I do?

I turn to Raymond.

At school. I managed to shake off the boys under the ruse of changing my pad (ah, the woman's excuse) then rushed to where the royal Rat-mond was mussing up his hair in the boy's room.

"You. Spill. Now," I growled, pacing up to him. He glared at me, all of the skittishness he'd shown around the boys gone into thin air. "And why should I, Nerds?"

Before my old taunt was fully out of his mouth, I'd slapped him across the face.

Raymond moved his jaw slowly, then looked at me like he was a dog I'd just kicked, which, basically, he was. "What the hell?" He grunted.

I raised my hand threateningly. "I'll do it again. How long have you and my boys been working together?"

"Since they moved here," Raymond said, keeping his eyes on my hand. "We've been tracking the Lost Boys, a rival pack. But your boyfriend brought a bunch of even meaner vamps on his tail, so now we have to deal with them!"

I snarled and shoved him, then stormed out of the bathroom, ignoring the startled glares I received from the freshmen gathered outside. I pulled open my TraceAce app and send a text on the group chat.

NaOhMi4 >> you three. Courtyard. NOW.

I waited, seething, for thirty minutes before they grew a pair and showed up.

"Raymond told me everything."

"That spineless dick!" Declan exclaimed. Jordan glared at him. "Hey! Language!"

"So was any of it actually about you three being bullied?" I asked. "Or were you just tracking your enemies? Did you lie to me about being bullied so that I would trust you?"

Their eyes opened wide, the same expression of shock and pain in each face. Bennett was the first to speak. "Naomi. We would never lie about being bullied, especially not after having met you. We moved here to escape the bullies, yes. But when we found the Lost Boys here, it sort of became a mission. Raymond came to us and asked us to help him, so we've been working with him. It's nothing big, we just keep them out of our part of the city and they keep us out of theirs."

I didn't say anything. A plan was hatching in my head, but I knew better than to say anything. They'd have me locked in the Batcave before I could say "truce".

Jordan squinted at me. "Guys," he said slowly, "she's making that face."

I feigned innocence. "What face?"

"THAT face!" Declan snorted. Jordan interjected. "That one right there. You narrow your eyes and wrinkle your nose and you start cracking your knuckles. You're planning something!" He crowed triumphantly.

"Am not!" I protested.

Narrator: she was, in fact, planning something.

I managed to convince them that I wasn't planning anything. Then I stole Declan's phone out of his back pocket when he wasn't looking and checked his running route. I knew he went around the city every other afternoon, but I also knew that he wouldn't go into the Lost Boy's land. Sure enough, his GPS history had him going down Main Street, quite literally cutting through the center of town. All I had to do was go to the other side of town, hunt down a Lost Boy, and convince them to work with me and the Musketeers so that we could get the bloodsuckers out of the city. Easy enough, right?

I would like to apologize FOR:
A short chapter
A REALLY late update
And me being a crappy author in general

I'm going to try to update more often, I swear! I've finally worked out the smaller details in my head, and I have a fairly solid grasp of how I want this to go. Hey- comment your name! I still need names for the Lost Boys/enemy vampires, and I'm always on the hunt! (Get it? Because wolves and... oh, never mind.)


ALSO thanks a billion for almost 1.5k reads! What???

NomiDomiLight: The Good Girl's Blood BoyWhere stories live. Discover now