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"It started five years ago after I went to hospital after a car crash. It wasn't that bad of a car crash when I reflect on it: I broke around one or two ribs, my right arm, my nose, I was in a coma for a few weeks. Do you know the saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' or something like that? As if thought, right? The saying is so fake. The pain I experienced from the car crash was much, much less worse than what's happened to me since then. The pain wasn't that bad though: just because something burns bright doesn't mean it's going to burn bright forever. The countless broken hearts I've had excel the amount of pain injected into me after I broke two ribs, my right arm and my nose. The human race is so destructive, y'know? Like, not only to the environment and the poor animals, but also to other humans. My friend's dad was beaten to death by humans: that's not the work of something else; that's not something you can just think up an excuse for. My heart's been shattered into one million pieces one million times and that's the work of humans. It's also, yet again, something you can't think up an excuse for. I think this is the first - maybe second - time I've left my house this month and, yet, I still know the exact date. 13:21, 29th December, 2016, right? This is the sixth year in a row I haven't celebrated Christmas, or my birthday, or Easter, or halloween, or anything at all. Even before the 'accident', I had grown distant from my family, which I now regret. The last time I spoke to my father, I said the words: 'maybe I will just kill myself: appreciate your children if you're going to impregnate some women on the streets," a sigh. "Five years of torment from things that don't even exist. Five years of not bothering to get professional help from anyone and rather spend endless hours scrolling the endless pits of Tumblr, usually on the tag 'hallucination' or 'insomnia' or 'insane'. You don't think I'm completely insane, do you? I know I am partially insane, but do you believe the entirety of my is insane?" silence. "Silence: man's worst enemy and, yet, man's best friend - man's closest friend. Silence is forever unachievable, but it always waiting, lurking in dark corners. It's now 13:23 and I haven't even begun to tell you an eighth of what's been happening in my cold, empty, sad life." another sigh. "Imagine stepping out of your door one day and outside was a different dimension with every regular human being a weirdly-shaped creature with a Predator-like mouth and a pointed hood that curls of at the end. Oh, they also have white eyes - most of time, but the shade changes depending on their mood. The first time I saw 'them' was on Halloween, 2011 at 20:31 so I just thought it was some kid's poor excuse at a costume, but, once I'd kept seeing them everywhere and everyday, I realized they were real. Or I thought everyone could see them. I asked a stranger with a curly ponytail and freckles if they knew what 'they' were, but guess what he replied with?" Silence. "He didn't reply with complete silence as you are: he said 'what are "they"'. Haha, that was fun. He looked like I was insane: I am though, aren't I? You can't deny it. I am insane. Everyone is. I'm going to enroll in a college soon, start soon, get a fresh start, hope 'black-lid-kid' doesn't stick - don't ask how I got that nickname in kindergarten - and more. I bit off a kid's thumb in kindergarten so my parents decided it was better for me not to go. The next school I went to, I broke a kid's jaw. Then, in high school, I got into this massive fight and almost killed a guy: he was in a coma at least. My parents got really angry, nor worried like Will's (from the Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air) parents." a small laugh. "Help me."


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