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After that, we walked around the forest, he also told me a little about himself. He's the kind of person we all want to be friends with, not to mention his jokes are the best! "...So is it true you can talk with crows...? How peculiar. So I probably heard one of your crow friends then." "Yes probably!"

An awkward silence filled the area until he finally broke it. "So, do you have any experience in fighting?" "Fighting...? Oh well... Where I live, magic doesn't exist... And we don't really... fight. But I've always wanted to learn the dark arts... Magic... And especially how to use tomes..." "Oooooh! I can teach you!" "Huh? Really?! You mean it?! I'd be grateful. Thank you. But..." "Is something the matter?" "...I just don't want to be a burden for you..." "Nya ha ha! What a funny joke Stefani!" I smiled. Yes, I don't smile that much, but I did.

He took me where all the other soldiers were. It was amazing to meet them all in person. But in the crowd, I could see a familiar face. I wasn't sure of who she was, but she was looking at me. So I decided to talk to her. "Hello?" "OH MY GOSH." "Uh... Nice to meet you?" "STEF!" She hugged me almost too tightly "GODS ARE YOU THE ONE I THINK YOU ARE?!" "I'm Blaze." "Yeah you."

"So how did you get here?" I asked interested "Well I woke up in a field and Chrom and Lissa found me." "Your story is similar to mine... I woke up in a forest and found Henry." "Cool hwe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" "Uh... WHY ARE YOU MAKING THAT FACE?!" "Do you really think I forgot about-" "HUSH."


"Oh hi Henry! Do you need anything?" "Well I was thinking about teaching you the dark arts. Ya know, curses and stuff!" "Oh yes! I'd love to learn!"

He took me to his tent and grabbed one of his tomes. "Let's start with the basics..."

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