Let's Get One Thing Straight

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Solo, of course, was alive. He knew it would take more than a gut feeling to take him down so the whole getting shot thing wasn't taken very seriously by the man himself; The Russians thought otherwise. Illya went back to investigating their research and Nallya was tracking down everyone who is and was ever involved with the Specter Project. Turns out that she wasn't only made out of Napoleon and Illya's DNA. It also included Eric Brown,Heisenberg, Freud,Felix Yusupov and a lot more. If that wasn't a threatening enough combination, they also added Erik Weisz, or better known as Harry Houdini, for incontrovertible skills required for escaping impossible situations.

During Napoleon's recovery time, U.N.C.L.E found Macmahon dead in the docks of the branch of his company in Belgium; The one the three had to infiltrate to take out the 'nuclear weapon' but instead got off-tracked by a kidnapping. Saoirse was found back in Ireland trying her best not to get found by paying more people to not speak of her presence. Waverly kept tabs on her silently for only until Napoleon gets discharged from the U.N.C.L.E infirmary.

"Go to sleep. I'll be on guard for the night." Illya told Nallya who sat on the right side of Napoleon's bed. She takes one glance at Illya and went back to reading the file in her hand.

"You haven't slept. I won't tell you again." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Or what? There's nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself. Besides... I think the two of you are great company..." Nallya turns her head to Napoleon.

"-one of you being half-alive that is."

"Alright. What is this about."

"He's lost more blood than I did in those three days..."

...and I didn't even try to save him when he was on his knees, bleeding to death.

"The least I can do is be there for him when he wakes up." It got quiet in the room. Illya understood. He sat next to Nallya and Pulled her to his side.

The two of them just watched Napoleon peacfully.


A 3 Days Ago~

Nallya woke up feeling more energetic than the last time she opened her eyes. Her arms can be easily lifted and she could see much better than before. Laying back on a hospital bed, she stared at the ceiling and realized that in the time she was unconscious, the other two could have died.

She gently plucks out the syringe from the cubital of her left arm and the oxgen mask that was strapped on her face.

.. This isn't America... she thought as she observed the room when she threw her legs over the edge of the bed. The room was bigger than the standard American hospital room... it didn't exactly take her long to know. Though William Hartnell in his dapper suit on the television might've played a role on that deduction.

Before her feet got the chance to touch the cold floor, a voice interrupted her.

"I would advise you not to get out of your bed, Mishka." 

"Fuck off, Illya" Nallya had her hand up as to halt the man on his tracks.

"Somebody is cranky." He chuckled, making his way to the seat beside her bed. He sat down infront of her and held her hand.

"Sorry."She pauses and played with his slender fingers. "How long was I out? Napoleon?" She mumbled.

"About two days. Lots of blood lost... And Solo, he will be alright."

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