Takeo M. 😍😘

40 2 11

    Got bored in my AG class... Made this whilst listening to music in the hallway. Thanks Coldplay! Above is actually the song I was listening to, to get the inspiration. It's not the official video, but I like the cute animation.

    Anyway, for the sketch....

    The baggy pants and boots were my real struggle points

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

    The baggy pants and boots were my real struggle points. If someone could pass some tips, I'd love to hear them. Anyway, I have to go back to crying my eyes out... Depression... Genetics... Shit... It sucks, if you don't have to deal with it call yourself lucky you didn't get hit with genetics's pimp slap! It hurts like a motherfuckaaa!!!!

    Sorry, rambling... I ramble a lot. I need to stop that.

    ~Ender, trying to stop the neverending tears, out

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