The Army

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   Recently, people have been freaking out about some squids in my room. I don't mind the comments, but they are getting extremely triggered. So triggered, that they wanted to speak their non-existant minds about the subject.... Enjoy

We the squid kind, do not take it lightly that we are mocked based on our large eyes and bulging tentacles

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We the squid kind, do not take it lightly that we are mocked based on our large eyes and bulging tentacles. We want to be respected for what we've done here, and the people we have eaten.

That is all

*wipes tears and clears throat* You heard it here people, they want equality like a feminist.... Not sure if I want to give it to them! They are squids after all, and they taste really good on rice. I purpose we eat them, before they eat us in our sleep!

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