Tagged #4

28 2 5

Ohayo, minna! I was been tagged by ANIME8IS8LIFE ...again. I don't even know why I'm doing this.


1. Blue. I honestly hate the color pink.

2. Chocolate.

3. SPORTS!!! (AN: If you didn't know already, I'm a tomboy 😜)

4. Fruit. I haven't had McDonalds in the last three years soooooo...

5. Music.

6. Water. I could chug a 32 ounce water bottle if I really wanted to... I'd probably throw up after but who cares?

7. Jeans. I hate dresses even though I have ten.

8. Flats. I tried wearing heels to a party once and I ended up taking them off 30 minutes in.

9. Nails. You're gonna wipe lipstick off before you go to bed so what's the point?

10. Funny. One time in Science class, we were dissecting Owl Pellets and my lab partner said, "Oh, my god! Why is it so big?" I smirked and said, "That's what she said." Everyone heard our conversation and laughed.

Alright, I'm done! Till next time!


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