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It has been a week since I found out about my brain tumor. My surgery is today and as on right now none of my friends know about it.

I visited Kiba a few times before and he's doing fine, he apologized and told me that he deserved to be shot.

Naruto comes by everyday after work and catches me up on all of the drama. I honestly don't know if we're a couple though. I mean we do kiss...a lot, especially when our friends are gone. Its only been a week and we've already had countless heated make out sessions. I guess I classify him as my boyfriend. Maybe I'll ask him later.

"Ms. Hyuga?" A nurse asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Ah, yes?"

"Are you ready for your procedure to begin?" She asked.

"Um, can we wait a little bit longer?" Naruto wasn't here yet and I wanted to see him before I jeopardize my life.

"Yes ma'am. Are you waiting for the blonde boy who comes here often?"

"Yeah." Was all I said back. The nurse left the room and once again I was left to bathe in my loneliness.

I let out a small sigh and closed to my eyes. Leaning back into my uncomfortable hospital bed, I mentally thanked all of my friends. I might not make it through the surgery, and so I won't have the chance to verbally thank them.

Who knows how many minutes past before the nurse came in again.

"Ms. Hyuga....I'm sorry but it doesn't look like Mr. Uzumaki will be able to make it in time. We have to start your surgery now." The nurse said apologetically.

"Fine, let's get this over with." I sighed. Lately I've done a lot of sighing.

The nurse unhooked me from all of the current IVs and helped me get to my feet. I've grown weaker over the past week and I've also developed a stuttering problem. I don't stutter unless I've been talking for awhile. The doctor said it's the brain tumor affecting me.

She put me in a wheel chair and started pushing me towards the operating room.

Once we got there, the nurse helped me up again and I laid down on the operating table.

"This is it. I love you Naruto, and thank you everyone for everything." I muttered under my breath.

"Would you like to leave a message or note for Mr. Uzumaki?" The nurse asked.

"Can you tell him I love him?" I replied.

"Of course. Let's get you sedated. Good luck Ms. Hyuga." Was the last thing I heard before they put the anesthesia over my nose and mouth. I drowsily closed my eyes and slowly began to relax.

My body went limp as the anesthesia completely took over.

Let's get this over and done with.


"Darn, darn, DARN! Hurry up Duckbutt, my girlfriend's surgery is in 15 minutes!"

"Surgery? Girlfriend? What haven't you been telling us Naruto?" Sasuke rotated his chair to face me.


I mentally cursed myself for being so stupid. I don't even know if Hinata and I are dating...I guess I just assumed.

"Uh, well Hinata and I have been...'seeing' each other?" I replied.

"Ok, so what about the surgery part...don't you dare tell me she has surgery today and you didn't tell us!" Sasuke yelled.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Well...she didn't want to stress ya'll out, so she made me promise not to tell you guys."

"You can explain the rest on the way up to the hospital. I'll finish this up real quick while you go get Sakura." Sasuke turned back to the computer and started typing really fast.

Hinata would be mad at me if I brought all of them up there, so I decided to leave by myself. 

I hopped into my car and sped off towards the hospital. I seemed to catch every red light which eventually made me late for the scheduled surgery. 

I finally got to the hospital after what seemed like forever. I quickly parked the car and ran to the hospital entrance.

There was a long line of people ahead of me and I didn't have time for that so I pushed passed them all to the front desk.

"Sir, you can't d-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"Ma'am I need to see Hinata Hyuga in section 3A!" I said in a rush.

"Oh, your the one she waited 30 minutes for. Sorry sir, they have already admitted her to the OR. You can't go in there now. All you can do is wait." She shooed me off.

My whole mood shrunk and I lifelessly walked to an empty chair in the waiting room.

"Mr. Uzumaki? Naruto Uzumaki are you here?" I heard a nurse's voice ask.

I quickly stood up to look for her. "Ma'am that's me! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" 

A nurse comes walking over to me. "Mr. Uzumaki...I have a message from Ms. Hyuga." She hesitated for a moment.

"Go ahead...say it." I urged her.

"She says she loves you. Sir you can come in the room in approximately 4-6 hours when the surgery is done." She replied sadly.

"Thanks."I mumbled. I sat back down in my chair readying my body for a 4 hour nap.

Just as I got comfortable and asleep, I hear someone scream my name out angrily.

I'll give you one guess as to who.

Yup, the one and only Sakura Haruno.

A/N   Hey guys guess what. This book is ending in another chapter or two. Before you get upset, there will be a sequel. It won't be very long though. Thanks for the reads, votes, and comments people.

Seeya next chapter.

Sayonara Minna!


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