its killing me to love you

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who can this person be?

oh thats some of my "friends" friend.

i think ill answer him.. he seems like a fun person to talk to

we want to meet tonight. im sorta fighting with my sister, is it worth not fixing it for him?

we met. 11:00 pm

we talked till he took me home

we made memories as often as we could

it was the night i was invited to hang out with you and our friends.. i fell for you

we keep making memories... but 

you're leaving soon

its killing me.. 

i dont know when you will be back

or how long it will be.

people keep telling me youll come back and i hope they are right

i cant imagine what it would be lie with out you. 

i hide my pain so i can keep you less unhappy about the problem

is it working?

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