settling our differences

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Hey guys sorry not updated in a little while been trying to get better at my grammar and stuff i have dyslexia and find it quite hard to do things like this but i will give it my best try so enjoy and give me some more feed back :)


1 week later

"Derek please stop following me about i still dont have an answer i am only nineteen, im still in college for another 3 years and i dont know if i want a baby before i am at least 25" Derek just stood there looking at the gound as if someone just kicked his pupy.

"i am sorry Stilies i will just go for now and leave you to decide what you want" Stilies went to reply but didn't have a chance before Derek was gone Stilies just "sighed" and floped down on the couch and slowly drifted of to sleep imagining what his life will end up like if he does have this baby.

Stililes woke up to a car door shutting and steps heading up to the front door and the door opening Stilies just "sighed" his dad walked in throught the door looking beat " hey Dad late shift again?" said and slumped bac against the sofa

" yeah as usual" Sherif Stilinski said walking in to the kitchen to grab a beer "hey Dad there is food in the oven for you i made grilled chicken burgers with salad  and parsnip fries" Stiles said folowing him and sitting at the breakfast bar

"Stiles whats up?" his dad said looking him in the eyes with a concerened expression on his face " uhmm... notheing really just tired and sick of beeing sick in the morning" Stiled said buecause his dad had no clue that true mates could get there male mates pregnant "uhm.. dad i am just gonny head upto bed, i feel like i have no enargy" he said turning away from the Sherif

"okay son hope you feel better love you kid" the sherif said as his son walked towards the stairs "me to dad night" and with that he went upto his room and got changed in to a pair of his sweats and a t-shirt that belonged to derek that still smelled like him, Stilies crawled under the covers and started to drift once a

THE NEXT MORNING                                                                                                                                  

To Derek: hey babe i'm sorry about last night i just got stressed and a little scared but i would like to talk about the whole baby deal so give me a text soon, you know how much i love you xx

To Derek: please answer me i am getting worried its been 2 hours you never stop texting even when you'rein a really bad mood with me i am sorry for the way i acted Dere just don't ignore me and push me away i am scared so text me back please x

To Derek: dere please don't ignore me you have only ever done it once. remeber in the past when you though i was cheating on you with issac. eww so just text me :(

To Stilies: hey sorry was out running and my phone was dead x i will come over in an hour give me some time to get a shower then i will bring food any cravings?x

Stilies could finally relax know that Derek was okay for now. Stilies allways was a passer when he got anxious and worried.

He could finaly sit down and relax now he know Derek is okay he has decided that he wants to go over this life plan with Derek and decide what he going to do he allways wanted to have kids since he was 16 but not till he was a little stabillity in his life a good job, small bit of savings put away and then start a familly with Derek.

To Derek: hey babe yeah need pickles and double double cheese burger with backon and currly fries and strawberry milkshake please :) love you x

Dereks P.O.V

I always worry when stilies gets anxious and i could tell that he is passeing his room. i headded to the closested in-and-out burger because thats Stilies favourite burger joint and they do the best shakes.

"hi what can i get you" the woman at the till said "uhmm.. can i have a double double cheese burger with bacon and a strawberry milk shake and a grilled chicken and turkey backon sandwich with a chocolate shake and extra large currly fries please" i gave my order and the women stared at me with a toothly grim and flirty eyes " thats will be $15:30 please" she said i handed her a $20 bill and said "keep the change" with a smile "thanks thats nice of you" she handed me the recept with a phone number at the bottom and handed me the food i put the recept in the bin as i was walking out the place i got in the car and headed to Stilies house.

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