"Alpha Attack"

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hey guys been a little while since my last update been busy with family stuff and writers block sucks but hey i will be trying to do an update at least once a week if possible. Thanks for all the comments and feed back been really helpfull.


(Stiles P.O.V)

I watched Derek walk in with bags of groceries in his had he must be carrying about 20 bags of food "wow Derek you couldn't make 2 trips to the car had to show of you're wolfie muscles" i snipped at him, he just gave me his famous broody look with those stupid eye brow's, i have been very very emotional since im 3 mounth's pregnant so i have been taking it out on Derek he know i don't mean it but it still anoys me that i take it out on him even if its not his fault "hey stiles and no i couldn't be bothered to make 2 trips if i can do it in 1 its completely pointless and a wast of time to make 2 when i could be doing better thing with my time" he gave me a bright toothily grin and i new exactly what it meant but Scott was here and in the bathroom i am surprised Derek couldn't smell or hear him the hold mean must be slipping "as much as i would love to do that, more than once believe me but Scotts in the bath room" i said giving him a pouted look "i know i could smell him from the drive way and i think he smashed something" he said looking at the roof " i did not smash something promise" Scott said coming down the stairs "it was me i stubbed my toe and dropped you're mug Derek sorry" Derek just gave me a sad look and pouted his lip's "anyway what where we talking about Scott?" i said looking away from him to Scott "oh eh-mm that you though that we were talking about before the alphas and stuff"

( 2 years ago)

 Buzz Buzz Buzz

my phone vibrated in my pocket, i tool it out and looked at the caller I.D it was Scott i hit the answer button "hey buddy were are you?" i asked interested but i all ready had the feeling i new the answer "hey stiles I'm with Alison and she want's to take about stuff and us i have to give it a try cause you know i love her and all were mates." yeah i know Scott but..." i got cut off before i could say anything else "thanks Stiles you're the best but a have to go meet her now catch you at school tomorrow" before i could answer back Scott had already hung up. " well i suppose a seen that coming, well guess i will spend my 18th birthday alone" a muttered to my self as a headed to ward dad's liquor cabinet. I grabbed a full bottle of jack with not lethal dose of wolfs bane in it and headed out the door and towards the woods to get drunk and try forget that i am a pathetic 18 year old virgin that is now spending my birthday alone in the middle of the woods getting drunk at 5 o'clock 

i found a nice little quiet place on top of a big hill/cliff that over looked the town the time i got there i was already drunk and half way thought the bottle when i smelled 3 no 4 alphas long gone but the scent was still lingering around i just brushed it of as me putting to much wolfs bane in the whiskey this time. It started to rain and i could tart to feel the bottle slip out my hand and sleep coming over me just before it took me completely i felt something grab me and lift me up i opened my eye to see the one and only MC Broody alpha werewolf carrying my thought the forest i snuggled in o the crook of his neck and took his scent in and invite sleep to come over me.

i woke up to a sore head and in an unfamiliar bed with the sun hitting me in the the face i could only remember part of the night before then it hit me the warm comfort smell of Derek i got out of bed and stumbled towards the big door and headed for the stairs and headed down towards the smell of heaven in the form of liquid "hey Derek how did i get hear least night?" i asked walking over to the breakfast bar and sat on one of the stool's while Derek gave me a big cup of coffee "here drink this and take these" he said and handed my to small pill's "thanks" i took tilted my head back and swallowed the pills "so how did i get here? i didn't wake you up at a stupid time in the early hours did i i can rally remember a lot from yesterday" i said staring into those big beautiful green eyes of his "no i found you in the wood pouring rain and almost knocked out what where you thinking stiles you cant do that what if something bad happened to you?" he sounded a little panicked i new something was up in the supernatural world "nothing Derek i was just board of sitting in the house alone with Scott try's to make up with Allison for the one hundredth time" i grounds "stiles stop lying to me and tell me whats really up" he growled through gritted teeth "fine you really want to know whats up? well let me start at the beginning of yesterday i woke up to a note from my dad saying happy birthday and he wont be home till tomorrow then through school jerkson told me that i was worthless and wasn't pack which i am used to. So the school finished and Scott promised he would come to mind later to play video games and order pizza and then bailed on my on my fucking 18th birthday to go booty call from Allison yet again so i was alone on my birthday and decided to go get drunk and forget that i am now an 18 year old virgin that has never even kissed someone in my life so that's what i was thinking yesterday happy now" i spat out and Derek just lunged forward and kissed me not a pity kiss a fully blown tongue swapping kiss i starred at him and then pulled him in for another warm passionate kiss "wow" was all i could say and my phone went i looked it and it was dad "clcik" " hey dad yeah i stayed out with a friend" okay meet you there" i hung up and pushed it back in my pocket "thanks for the kiss but i got to go meet dad at the house see you later Derek" and with that i walked out the door

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