8 bad jokes

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 1.Girl: So, how many times a day do you shave?

Man: Well, about 15-20 times every day.

Girl: My god, are you some kind of crazy?

Man: No, I'm a barber.


2.Andy has 150 candy bars. He eats 125. What does Andy have now?

Andy has diabetes now.


3.Whenever I'm sad I just read my blood donor ID. It always says "B



4.A man drops his phone on a concrete floor. The phone is fine, no damage. How come?

He had it on airplane mode.


5.What would Bears become without Bees?

Just ears.


6.Why is the butt divided vertically and not horizontally? It would clap nicely if you ran down the stairs. OK, now stop imagining it.


7.What does a cannibal call an athlete?

Fast food.


8.Two cows sit in the basement, chopping up oil.

A screwdriver goes in through the door, goes up the wall, crosses the ceiling, heads back down the other wall and goes out through the second door.

One cow looks at the other and says, "This is insane, did you see that?" "Yeah, totally insane, he never greets."




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