Chapter 6

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Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap

Ethan and his cousins just walked in and my first instinct was to duck behind the counter and hide, but that’s just one sure way of getting my ass fired.  I really didn’t want to see him after today. I was still slightly pissed off with how he acted. I tried to act cool and act natural and not show that I was still pissed off at him. When he walked in, he never even glanced my way, just looking straight ahead. Yip he was so jealous, if Van and Vicky saw him now they would totally know he never even came close to liking me, let alone having a crush on me.


Chapter 6

They were perusing the shelves of the store. I saw the Scot and Jonathan grab something from the fridges, while Ethan continued to look around. The Scot whispered something to Ethan before he and Jonathan came to come pay and they both had worried looks on their faces.

“Well, lass I neva knew you worked here.”

“It’s a part-time job. Ethan knows that I work here, he was here the night of the game.” I smiled at them and then Jonathan said looking a little confused.

“Strange. He never said one word about you working here.” They both looked over to Ethan, the Scot’s brows knitting in what looked like confusion and anger.

“Well I’m not surprised.” I mumbled while looking over at Ethan as he continued to browse the shelves.

“Why not?” The Scot asked looking genuinely confused.

“Well isn’t it obvious? He doesn’t like me. Why would he even talk about me if he doesn’t even care?” I said sounding matter of fact.

“That’s not- Omff” Jonathan said but got cut off by the Scot elbowing him in the side

“What he’s saying is, Ethan is a hard man to read. Give him time Lass, he’ll come round.” I looked at him unbelievingly and did a whatever-you-say face.

“Sorry about leaving so sudden the other day during lunch. Family stuff.”

I shrugged I knew all about that, I had enough family stuff to last me a life time. Wait that made no sense, family stuff usually does last a life time, well for most. So it’s kind of stupid to say that family stuff would last a life time when- oh shut it Vi, I’m mentally babbling again. Damn I gots te get me some sleep.

I wrung up their stuff and said,

“That would be seven dollars please.” I smiled up at them and the Scot handed me a twenty. I punched it in and gave him his change.

“You don’t say much, do you?” Jonathan asked and I shrugged again,

“There’s usually nothing much to say. I’m not really the chatty type like Vicky or Van.”

“Aye that Vicky is sure something.” The Scot said in his Scottish brogue, in an almost admiring tone. Awe, looks like Vicky isn’t the only one crushing, but then why was he avoiding her. I smiled at them and said,

“You have no idea.”

“When does your shift end?” Jonathan asked looking a bit worried.

“In about two hour’s why?”

“You should go home earlier. There won’t be many customers this late.” I snorted unlady like and said

“I wish. The boss has this idea that the longer we stay open the more money he makes.”

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