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Chapter 3.9: proof

We're still there.

At that stupid, haunting, forest where Grayson was accused of murder not to long ago.

"May I know the details of this deal?" I collapse onto a pile of leaves.

Steven grunts, "Its really pathetic, you wouldn't want to know."

"But I do want to know." I stand my ground, which is not normal. Steven raises a brow at me before dismissing my demand.

"I said, I want to know." I repeat the phrase, with more force in my words.

He grabs my arm and presses me against the nearest tree. His face nearly two inches away from me, "it's not always about you, when am I going to get what I want?"

Almost immediately, paranoia fills my body. With a shaky voice I reply, "what do you want?"


I did what any normal girl would do, which was struggle. With every inch he got closer, making me even more and more scared and angry with the moment. It was my property, my body. I stab him in the ground with my free knee, his arms releasing my hands from his deadly grip.

I start running up the hill, not really caring whether he's following me or not. My main focus was running. I was so focused that I almost ran into my own death.

The car jerks to a stop a hairs breadth from me, I bring my self to stop by putting my hands on the warm engine. My breath is heavy and I can hear yelling from behind.

Someone grabs me, but since my vision was blurry I couldn't exactly aim my kicks.

"Woah ken, what has gotten into you?" I hear Ethan's voice and I immediately stop thrashing.

"Steven, he tried to-. Never mind, Grayson is a murderer and I still can't get over that." I say grabbing onto Ethan's hand.

"Where is he?" Gilinsky gets out of the car next, pulls me into an embrace.

I point in the direction I was running, "in jail."

"WHAT?" Ethan screeches, shaking his head, "let's go."

Gilinsky pulls me into the car and I'm greeted by the rest of the fantastic four, the liveliness pulled out of all of us.


Ethan switches on the engine, "NO STEVEN, YOU'RE THE LIAR."

A nasty chuckle escapes his mouth and his blue eyes, for once, don't look as mesmerizing.

"Can we please just leave." I suggest a small tear running down my cheek, but before anyone can notice I swipe it away.

Ethan hums in agreement as he speeds away. My eyes don't leave Stevens deathly glare until we're off the road.

What had we gotten into.

Once we're on the road, I feel a little sense of relief, I speak up, "What are you doing?"

"Bailing out Gray." Cameron says from shot gun.

I shake my head, "you can't bail out a murderer."

"But you can bail out someone who is innocent." Shawn tries to explain but nothing is registering.

There's another short silence before I speak up again, "Steven has proof, Grayson did kill that man, no matter how hard it is to believe."

"Don't you think we have proof too?" Jack J pipes in, "We got that backup."

"I wouldn't know, you guys just keep avoiding me since Ethan's showed up." I finally let my emotions loose, so many things have happened this whole weekend, that my feelings seem like the  last thing on the 'o' list.

Gilinsky looks at me like I'm crazy, "We would never, we were just..." he trails off.

"Exactly!" I point out, before crossing my arms across my chest.

"Let's tell her," Ethan suggests, "it's all over now anyway."

My mouth drops open, "Wait you knew about this, you knew that Grayson was a..." I don't finish my sentence, whatever I was going to say is implied.

Ethan sighs which is enough an answer for me. My hand reaches the door handle, "Stop the car, I'm getting out."

Gilinsky grabs my hand, "What no are you crazy Kenny?"

"I'm crazy enough to get in a car with a bunch of murderers." I nod my head with a sarcastic look on my face, "so yeah."

Shawn sits me back down, "We're not murderers for crying out loud."

"You helped one." I add.

At this moment I honestly didn't know what to expect, or what to do. I wasn't about to jump out of a moving car so I sat back down. But I still used the threat to my advantage.

"Ethan, tell me what the deal was." I stick my face into the front seat.

Ethan takes a quick glance at me a disapproving look on his face, "Oh come on ken, you really don't want to know."

"Ok," I nod my head, "Johnson move I'm jumping out of this car and don't try to stop me."

Ethan speaks up almost immediately, "The deal involves you," he says, "Steven would keep the secret as long as Grayson stayed away from you, in other words Grayson wasn't allowed to like you as a friend or a girlfriend."

Not a single word comes out of my mouth, I don't exactly know what to say.

"Grayson loves you, a lot but he has to make it seem like he hates the idea of your existence. He's loved you since eight grade and I don't think he'll ever stop unless that death sentence is passed." (A/N: now do you understand why Grayson was such a bipolar asshat)

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's the fine that he'll pay if we don't get to him in time." Ethan finishes.


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