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PART 1: Questions about your books                                                                                                               

1) What books have you written?

15 books: Hey There Delilah, It's What you do to Me, There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate, Girls Vs. Boys, Our Song, Our Everlasting Melody, Let's Play a Game, Managing Boys, Beauty and a Beat, Off to Neverland, Return to Neverland, Defenders, Offenders, Enders, Steal My Heart.

2) How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Hmm... I have quite a few stories that were once on Wattpad that no longer are. I'd like to say, maybe... five? Six? I can't really remember. That's just how many that were finished. I've had quite a few that I started writing and then deleted because I felt like they weren't going to go anywhere. But those are still ideas in the back of my mind that I want to get to eventually again! With those, and new ideas that I haven't even touched yet, I have so many books that have yet to be published or are just starting to be written.

3) What is your favorite of your published books?

That's a really tough question because I don't really have a favorite because it constantly changes. I'd have to say that right now my favorite is the Def/Off/Enders trilogy, which is more than one but they all go together so I guess that counts.

4) Can you tell us a little bit about it?

The trilogy follows Violet, an isolated orphan who is suddenly plunged into the world of superhumans after finding out she has the power of telekinesis. She's put on a team with four other super-powered teens and slowly sees what it's like to have friends while also finding out secrets about herself.

5) What was your hardest scene to write in your favorite book? ( This will be a spoiler question if you have not read the book. I will put a warning when i publish the interview )

I think so far the hardest for me to write is actually the chapter I'm writing right now for Enders, chapter 16.... but Return to Neverland will most likely become the hardest once I focus on it and get to the chapters that I have difficult things happening in them.

But as for a story that is already out, I would have to say... Our Song with Blake's secret, because I don't think I wrote him appropriately or how I should have. One day I'd like to go back and change it as to make it more believable.

PART 2: Questions about how long it takes you to write and problems you face
1) Do you read your book reviews and how do you deal with the good and bad ones?
I do read the reviews, and I enjoy the good and bad ones! I understand that my work could use a lot of improvement, and as long as people are civil and polite about it, I love getting reviews! I have dealt with a few rude people that I usually ignore.

2) How many hours do you spend writing? Does writing energize or exhaust you?
It's been less and less as time goes on, simply because I just don't have the time, and when I finally do have free time, I spent it with friends or doing something I find relaxing to try and distress. I find writing to be very stressful and it does exhaust me, yet thinking about the things I'm going to write about are one of the ways I distress.

3) How long on average does it take you to write a a whole finished book?

Unfortunately, as of right now, it seems like multiple years. When I was younger, it used to take months, but now that I have less time to write, it could take up to a year or even more.

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