0,1 [Butterfly]

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A/n I just realised that last chapter wasn't really a prologue but anyways let's get on with this shitty ass chapter

Jimin's POV

"Umm s-sure, well I-if you don't m-mind." Ohh gosh I hate when I stutter, it's so embarrassing especially when he's hot. "No I don't mind at all cutie or do you got a name? "I-it's J-jimin. I reached my hand out to shake his but he just interrupted me with a " no need to be so formal. He cracks a smile while I stand ther dumbfounded. I can feel heat rising to my cheeks and my palms getting a bit sweaty as in turn that I need to wipe them on my pants. Seriously I can't deny that that smile it's too cute, i think silent to myself.

I take the seat in front him and I could feel his gaze burning my soul, with each movement and muscles that I moved, and my nervousness built up almost to the point where I would just let out a big wave of nonsense and rant about random stuff such as that I killed a spider in my apartment this morning, like seriously awfully and bad things. "Umm s-so what's your name, I said shyly as I just sat down and broke the awkward silence between us.

Just as the boy was about to speak he got interrupted by Soo Jung holding my drink and a cookie in her other hand. " Hey chimchim I managed to sneak out a cookie for you and your friend over ther" she said pointing to the boy in front of me. And yet again another blush creeps up upon my cheeks as I knew what she meant.

The boy just sits the awkwardly and looks up at the ceiling trying to not make it any worse for himself.

And as expected Soo Jung couldn't keep her bubbly mouth shut so she spoke out loud, directed to the boy with pretty hair and face. "Treat him nicely like a princess or else I'm gonna shove a cactus up your ass," she narrowed her eyes at him but a couple of seconds later she threw a bright smile at the boy as she knew she could trust him. I lightly hit her arm and got a little upset that she actually said that but it's whatever now she already said it so there's nothing I can do about it except shoving my face into my hands in hopes that It covers my now very red flushed face.
I unfolded my hand to look up but was met with Soo Jung grinning at me, I chuckled and force out a loud sigh, she let out small laughs and giggles and waved me of as I mumble "thanks for the cookie. She just kept the smirk on her face as she knew I was going to thank her later for starting the conversation with the boy.

When I finally managed to build up some confidence I asked " umm this is a little embarrassing but do you want to share the cookie? "Yeah sure, he said happy and as small giggles escaped his lips. "Youknow that I think your adorable, he said with big puppy eyes. " umm thanks, I like you hair," and as soon as the word left my lips I quickly cover them with my hands in realisation what I just said." The boy let out a cute laughers but died down in a couple of seconds. "It's cute when your embarrassed, that's actually one of many things that make you so cute and loveable." He shot me a wink, but I assume it was a more friendly way sense after that he smiled like an five years old kid who just got the biggest and most beautiful plushy in the world on his birthday. But it was cute so it didn't matter to me.

We sat there for hours and talked about random stuff and I learn that he had a boyfriend named Jungkook, I also learned that he lives with a roommate. I felt that after a while of talking I could really open up to him and ask him for help if I needed since I told him about my love issues and a bit from my past. "Hey Jiminie, youknow I'll always be here if you need me or just a shoulder to lean on," he smiled happily. "Really, no one has ever been this nice to me, thank you so much." As time went by I totally forgot to ask his name, it just became so natural to just call him hyung since he thought it was okay, and he told me he was older by a year.

(Also imagine Taehyung is older by a year when irl they are both 95 liners so yeah..)

It was finally time to leave due to the time and the sun that started to settle down. "Make sure to call me anytime soon so we can hang out and you could meet my roommate and boyfriend." He said with a huge smile on his face. "Yeah of course, we should totally hang out soon."

Ther was a few people left along with a waiter that was cleaning tables. Just as I reached out to the doorknob to push the door open I remembered that I haven't even asked for his real name so might as well do that before I leave so I turn around and asked "hyung what's your real name, I forgot to ask you earlier?" It just became so naturally to call him hyung because after all he's older than me, and as time flew by I just forgot earlier. "It's Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" he said with a cute smile doing aegyo. He balled up he's fists sideways and held them near his cheeks while letting out adorable baby sounds.

A/n I guess he wore this, tbh I don't know anymore^

A/n sorry if this chapters are a bit short, I'm planning on making longer chapters in the future, I'm currently not in my best state, but I hope you like it anyways

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A/n sorry if this chapters are a bit short, I'm planning on making longer chapters in the future, I'm currently not in my best state, but I hope you like it anyways.
Also I would like to admonish, why is my grammar skills so cringeworthy like seriously every time I read though my chapters before I publish them I feel lik it's so bad. Well well thb at this point Idgaf.

Sugabear's out 🐻🐻 bye ~~

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