(Book cover was made by me)
||Daddy doesn't like sharing||
"Daddy let's play together"
"Only if you behave princess, or else daddy gonna have to punish you"
"Okey oppa, I'm gonna be a good boy then"
*smirks while letting out a low chuckle*
"Ugh don'...
Next morning when I woke up I saw Jimin hugging the blanket he carried yesterday when he felt cold. Eyes fully closed and light snores escaping his mouth. How adorable, I thought while creasing his cheek.
Memories from yesterday blurred my mind with thoughts about how things going to turn out now.
I was interrupted by jimin scooting closer to me wrapping his arms around my torso, nuzzling his head into my chest. He started to move around a lot to show discomfort.
Soon enough Jimin's eyes started to peak open, blinking once in a while cause he was too tired to keep them up fully." You were already awake weren't you." he said, eyes barely open and his mouth hanging low.
I gave him light pecks on the nose and the temples, continued going down his neck and collarbone. "Your so pretty, did you know that, I asked completely ignored his question. " I only feel this pretty when I'm around you Oppa." Awwe how cute, you are truly my lil Kitten," I stated and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
A couple of minutes later I thought to myself that I have to ask him. It bothered me to much. I don't want to lead him on if he isn't ready.
" Jiminie, what are we." I said with a straight face, no emotions involved. His hand found his way to mine, squeezing it hard. I could feel him getting anxious and more uncomfortable as we speak. "W-what d-do you want us to be?" He stuttered.
*sights* "Jiminie, I just don't want to start anything with you if your not ready to continue." I want to make sure your okay with everything and won't regret it." I know I'm just nervous that's all."
"I know it's okay to be scared, we'll do this together, so don't worry about the small nor the big things that may accrue." We'll be fine, don't they say that your stronger if there's two of you especially if your fighting together for the same reasons." On three we say fighting, and we'll hold our hands together, okey?"
"Okay I'm ready."
Jimin's POV
We can do this right, I thought in my head. Yoongi hyung will help me right?"
"C'mon let's some breakfast for my kitten." Ahh Yoongi hyung your making me blush." Aww my kitty is blushing, how cute." C'mon now I'm starving, I'll carry you if you want?"
"Yoongi hyung I'm old enough to walk myself." Moments later I was swooped up from the ground and in Yoongi's embraced. I found myself smiling while he carried me bridal style to the kitchen area. I looked up at Yoongi and noticed that he had a big gummy smile plastered on his flawless face, showing his perfectly white teeth. "Ahh what are you doing to me Min Yoongi," I haft yelled screamed.
*groans* " your going to be the death of me.
" I would have hoped you'd say something like that," he smiled devilish.
A/n Yoongi's gummy smile. (seriously Min Yoongi your literally going to kill me with that smile)
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Sorry for the short chapter, but I really didn't have time to update rn I just wiped this together while I was supposed to do homework. But maybe the cute pictures of Yoongi makes up for my lack of content.