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""It's not the same w-" Louis yelped when his door opened. He blushed when he saw Harry.

"Hey, LouLou," Harry said, sitting down on the bed, "what were you singing?" He was grinning now. Louis huffed, throwing a pillow at him.

"Shut up. How did you get in, Haz?"

"The door was unlocked." He claimed, fiddling with the house key in his pocket. Harry stared as Louis rolled his eyes and got up off of the bed. He was wearing short shorts and a jumper that belonged to Harry. Harry grinned and put his arm out as Louis attempted to pass him, grabbing him and bringing him to his chest.

Louis screamed, "Harry! StOP IT!" Harry chuckled, kissing his forehead. His phone started ringing. The other one sighed in annoyance, untangling himself from the inked arms. Harry looked at him, mouthing an apology. Louis walked out.


"Why?" He muttered, looking at his curvy body. Tears were coming out of his eyes as he stared into beautiful green eyes.

"Why leave Louis?" A broken sob escaped his pink lips. Harry shook his head.

"Baby, it isn't my choic-" He started, but Louis fell to the ground. He stopped immediately and rushed to his boyfriend.

"Louis? Lou? What is it?" What was the point of talking? Louis could not hear him, he was unconscious. Harry quickly took out his phone, dialing 999. He was a mess, but could you blame him? No, you cannot. He heard the sirens and that snapped him out of his trance. He picked his baby up, carrying him outside. And two people snatched him out of his arms, setting him on a gurney. Another asked him questions. What happened? Did you do this? Did anything influence it?

All Harry asked himself was, did I cause this? And he fell to the ground; and cried.


He woke up with a sore back and tear stained cheeks and no recollection of what had happened. He looked around and figured out that he was in a hospital room. Did I overdose again? Did I faint because i was not eating? Did Harry leave me? And that one caused him to shout. And Harry woke up beside him. Taking a moment to remember where he was and what happened. And when he did remember, he turned towards Louis, maybe gettin whiplash, and bombarded him with questions. And kisses.

"Lou, baby. Are you alright?" Harry was concerned and that made a smile tug on Louis' thin lips. He interupted his prince with a kis-" Louis was shaken awake by a strong arm. He whined, but opened his eyes and was met with green ones.

"Louis? It's late..." Harry muttered, frowning. Louis nodded, looking around to find himself on Harry's chest, in a bed that was certainly not his. Harry sensed the confusion.

"My room, love." And the petname caused Louis to blush.

"Will Louis go home?" He asked, looking up at Harry through his eyelashes. Harry groaned, in his head of course.

"Up to you." He smiled, Louis smiled, and fell back asleep on Harry's chest.


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