Very much not okay

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Jesse POV:

    Slow tears fell down my face as I sat in my room, staring at the wall. How could he? I slammed my fists down on the bed. My own friends. My own boyfriend! I pull a pillow over my face and scream into it. I hate them! I hate all of them! How could I be so stupid? I sobbed as I recalled the memory.


I hummed as I walked through the doors to the cafeteria. I continued to walk towards the table I always sat at with my friends until I noticed everyone staring at me, all with similar expressions of pity, disgust, and amusement. I tried to ignore it as I walked up to the table I always sat at with my friends when James stuck his hand out.

"Sorry, Jesse. You can't hang out here anymore." I looked at him with shock. Did he really just say that? Before I could open my mouth to question it, Petra spoke up. "But thanks for the service! We got a crap ton of cash for having to put up with you for two whole years! Gotta hand it to the Danny kid. He comes up with some pretty good dares!" she laughed. I looked at them, horrified. Did she just say dare? The whole cafeteria was silent. Everyone was watching and listening in silent amusement.

I took a deep breath, about to cry. Before I knew what I was doing, I was sprinting out of the cafeteria. And then out of the school. I knew I'd get in trouble for this. I was skipping class. But I just couldn't go. Not today. I didn't stop running until I reached home and my lungs were burning.

End of Flashback

I sniffed as I thought about the past two years I'd spent with them. How I'd always thought they treated me differently. How I'd always be the one to walk behind the group and sit apart from them when there weren't enough seats at one table. I chucked the pillow against the wall as my phone buzzed. I looked to see who had texted me. There was no caller ID, but I knew it was someone from my school because they seemed to know what happened at lunch.

Unknown caller: Are you okay? I saw what happened at lunch.

J: Who is this?

L: It's Lukas.

I scowled. Why was he texting me? We hate each other! All of the ocelots hate me.

J: Oh. Why are you texting me?

L: I just wanted to see how you were doing. You looked really upset in the cafeteria. Are you alright?

J: I'm fine.

L: Jesse, please be honest

J: Okay, fine! I'm embarrassed and mortified and upset! My only friends just threw me out like a piece of trash! Actually, scratch that. They weren't even my friends in the first place! And everyone was in on it except for me! I don't even want to show my face at school tomorrow! Of course, you don't know what that's like. Everyone adores you.

L: Come on, it wasn't that bad. No one will even remember it a few weeks from now.

J: Do you know what social anxiety is?

L: Yeah. Why? Do you have it?

J: Yes! Like, I can't even get up to throw a piece of trash away without being embarrassed! I can barely even walk in public alone without feeling like everyone is judging me like I'm a friendless loser. And to be honest, that's exactly what they think I am right now! So if I can barely walk alone in public, do you honestly think I'm gonna just get over being embarrassed in front of EVERYBODY?

L: If you want, we can hang out together tomorrow. We have most of the same classes. My friend has social anxiety and sometimes she asks me to walk with her or go with her to places. She also gets uncomfortable when she's alone in public.

J: Thanks, but I don't need a repeat of today.

L: What? No! I'm serious! Why would you think I'd do what they did?

J: You and your friends hate me! No way would you actually want to help me! Sorry Porter, but I don't believe it.

L: Jesse, I promise I'm not pulling anything. They always picked on you guys because they thought(okay, knew) they were jerks. And yeah, Aiden, Maya and Gill would pick on you too, but that was because they thought you were like them. But I knew you weren't. None of us hate you. We just don't like them, and I think you're starting to see why.

J: ...

L: Please believe me.

J: Alright, fine.

L: Yay!

I sighed as I turned my phone off. If he had sent me that text not even three hours ago, I would have cussed him out with every bad word I know. But his reasoning did make sense. Still, I'm not letting my guard down. Why would the popular kids want to hang out with a loser like me? I mean, I know James and Petra were pretty popular. Axel and Olivia were too, I guess. But they only hung out with me on a dare. I sighed as I laid back down on my bed. Let's hope this goes well.

Lukas POV:

    I smiled as I leaned back on the couch and shut my phone off. qI felt bad for Jesse, but it was nice to know that she'd accepted my offer. I sighed. I had had a crush on Jesse since I was little, and it crushed me to know that she was going out with James. Even before I knew about the dare(I hadn't found out until lunch today) I knew he was a jerk. Jesse deserves better than him.

Hope you guys liked it :) So excited to write this one!

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