Glad it all happened

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Lukas POV:

    I sighed as I walked away from Jesse. I hope she'll actually read it. She promised she would once I finished it. Well, I did. And I thought of her the whole time I was writing it. I sighed again. She'll never take me back. Not after what I did. But I still love her. I always have and I always will. If only she could see that.

    I kicked at a small stone as I made my way back to the rest of my team. "Hey, Lukas! Where've you been?" Maya asked. I gave her a small smile. "I was giving my book to Jesse," I said. Aiden's eyes widened. "Did she... you know... forgive you?" I shook my head. "No. She wouldn't even talk to me. But I think I saw her opening my book as I was leaving," I said. They all nodded. "Well, I guess that's good," Gill said. I nodded in agreement.

Jesse POV:

    I smiled as I finished the first page of Lukas' book. I had to admit, he had a beautiful way with words. For a second, just a small second, I was reminded of why I loved him in the first place. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. You may be wondering if I still love Lukas. Well, the answer is no. I'd gotten over him a long time ago. And I wasn't quite ready to forgive him yet either. Maybe someday, I will be. But today is not that day. All I know for certain right now is that, for all the crap he put me through, I'm glad he was the one to do it. I'm glad that he was my second lover. Because he taught me to love again. He taught me that I can recover. He taught me that there's still hope.

Sorry the chapter is so short but I'm posting the next one immediately after this :)

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