On The Beach...

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My legs already hurt, and I can feel my lungs, neck and throat expand and throb. I am sprinting across the extremley hot and empty beach on the coast southern Accabas. Oh yah... not exactly empty. Me and the Enimy. Ronald Ramp. Lives in a shack further down the beach. I sort-a kind-a pissed him off. Really badly. Ron's a nut and it turns out that throwing stones in to the water shreely out of anger pisses nuts like him out of their wits. More than usual. Aparrently I was "disturbing the birds". accept that he lives on a beach in Accabas and there are no birds here. He is a total PHYCO and about 20 feet behind me. I jump over driftwood and doge stray rocks. I dont know where i'm going. I'm fast enough and I hope Ronald will give up soon. I turn around, and run backwards so I can face him.

"Wanna give up?," I ask politley

His dark night sky colorerd eyes meet my green ones. This is it. My moment. I backflip towards him and double back swing up and punch him square in the face. Come on, back off!, I think.  But Ron Dosen't instead he swings towards me. He stinks of whiskey and urine. Gross. Back off, I dont want to hurt you! I think again as I dodge his attack. Again he ingnores me and swings again with his ugly fist. I lunge away barely fast enough to dodge the second attack. Barley, this guy is dangerous. 

"Silly, Recas Slop, Pretty, Recas you think you can just do a handstand and be done?," he slurs.

And then I see he dosent derserve mercy, "Yeah, I'm good at handstands. But I perfer Backflips. Kinda like this one," I say and the backflip pushing my feet agaist his chest,  knocking him down. I don't even look back. I run. Kicking pearl white sand in  his face. 


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