Sisterly love

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Edited lit 😎

Her eyes defined tragedy, Her words showed beauty within

Kaylee POV
"Hey Chloe" I called her. I started to play with the pillow on the bed. The blonde turned over and faced me with no eye contact.

"Look at me, please" I placed my index finger on her chin and made her look up at me. Seeing her eyes were beautiful but they looked hurt and scared. She had been sleeping for while I'm pretty sure all the medicine has worn off. I turned over to look at the clock on her dresser. It was 12:00.  I haven't slept but I don't sleep much as it is.

Chloe, on the other hand, has been sleeping for almost six hours. I'm sure she wasn't tired at all. I started to think and I got an idea. "Chloe, you like musical instruments and stuff right?" I asked

"Yeah," she said with confusion. I sat up and grabbed my keys to my car. "I have an idea," I said holding my hand out waiting for her to grab it. I pulled her with me, running to the car. "Where the hell are we going?" She asked confused and freaked.

I started the ignition and backed out the driveway. "We are going somewhere you'd like," I said keeping my eyes on the road.

We where now at the building I haven't been to in a very long time. This place had so many memories, good and bad. I smiled at the thought. "We are here," I said, turning the car off and unbuckling my seatbelt before getting out the car.

I looked at Chloe as she was looking around trying to figure out where we were. The whole place was surrounded by trees and beautiful stars in the sky. This place was built for me by my father. He wanted me to have privacy and he wanted somewhere I could have fun and no one could bother. He loved his daughter no matter how bad her condition was, but things change.

As I'm walking towards the small house I turn around to find Chloe looking at the house like she wasn't going to go in until she knew what was inside. "Chloe come on, you trust me?" I asked waiting for her to answer, but she didn't she just started to walk towards the house.
The blonde was waiting for me by the door. She looked so cute she brought her blanket.

It was laying over her shoulders, while she kept it closed. It was pretty chilly out. I unlocked the door and turned on the lights in the small home. "I know it's small," I said

 "what the hell this place is big for one person, I don't know why you think it's small but it is not," Chloe said

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"what the hell this place is big for one person, I don't know why you think it's small but it is not," Chloe said. "Well if you've seen my house then you would know why" I said.

"OK walk down the hallway to the right then open the third door" I instructed her. I ran towards one of the other rooms and got my camera to capture a beautiful picture.

As the blonde opened the door her face changed from nervous to excited. She was smiling from ear to ear. She looked happy and at peace.

S͟o͟r͟r͟y͟ h͟a͟d͟ t͟o͟ s͟k͟i͟p͟, but I am going to let Chloe explain what happens now and at school and stuff.

After school

" I'm home," I said. I heard little tiny footsteps running towards me and tackle me.

"father's here sis," my brother said. He looked scared. I felt a tiny pair of hands holding my legs and shaking. It was my little sister.

"Where is she?" I heard a very deep raspy voice say from the kitchen. Hearing that oh so familiar voice had my trembling.

So much for a sisterly hangout. I thought to myself.

OK, I'm sorry this sucked. This chapter is trash to me and it should be to you guys too. I'm honestly sorry. It is also short as well. I feel horrible for posting something so bad, but y'all have right?

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