How You Met Them - 注意

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Archie Andrews:

You worked at the music shop where he bought his guitar. He recognized you from his English class.

"You're Y/n L/n, right? I sit behind you in English!" He chirps with a perfect, white grin.

Jughead Jones:

You were snooping around in the forest, investigating the death of Jason Blossom. Little did you know you weren't the only curious one.

"Who are you? What are you doing all alone near Sweet-Water River?" Someone asks from behind you, making you jump. After replying he states, "You look like you could use some help."

Kevin Keller:

Being the klutz he is, he bumps into you in the school hallways. Papers, binders, and art supplies fly everywhere. He picks everything up while apologizing repeatedly.

"I am so so so so so sorry..."

"Y/n, and it's fine! Thanks for helping me!"

"No problem, Y/n! Bye!" He exclaims before running off to class.

Veronica Lodge:

You were looking through a rack of jean jackets at the local thrift shop when someone taps on your shoulder.

"Excuse me, but could you hand me that one?" She asks while pointing to a jacket.

With a nod, you give her the jacket. She tries it on and looks at you, curiosity sparkles in her eyes, "How does it look?"

With honesty, you say, "It's a bit baggy."

She smiles, "You're the only honest shopping buddy I've had in a while!"

Betty Cooper:

Your parents noticed your low grade in math and decided to get you a tutor.

"If you plug the variable into the equation at the beginning it helps!" She says with a cheery smile.

You nod and finish the problem in no time.

Cheryl Blossom:

You were standing in the lunch line, awaiting the moment where the nastiest food was plopped on to your tray.

"You couldn't pay me $100 dollars to take a bite of this!" A red-head girl complains.

You chuckle.

Her head snaps towards you, "What are you laughing at?!" She barks.

You shake your head, "I'm just agreeing with you. This food is absolutely revolting!"

She gives you a quick, cherry-red smile before walking over to her friends.

Jason Blossom:

You were having a panic (! At The Disco. No? Okay.) attack outside of the locker room. It was your first pep rally as a River Vixen and you were nervous.

"Hey, are you alright?" Someone asks.

You quickly wipe away your tears as you look into the eyes of the most popular guy in school.

You fingers tremble as you stutter out a no. He looks at you with sympathy and hugs you.

"You don't need to be nervous," He says while patting your back.


"You are wearing your uniform. Also, Cheryl says a lot about you," He explains.



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