Evening Wear Massacre.

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Another tour day. Yeah! This means more coffee, music, bass, coffee, Kitty time and coffee. Coffee is good. But also today is Valentines day and is the day every person with common sense hates. People are always walking around with roses and cards and chocolates and soppy shit. Then other people are crying about being alone for the 3rd year in a row. Like, seriously? It's one day where people think everyone is going to be nicer. People still will be bitchy, laughing your face if you ask them out and (if from Jersey) try and kill you. It's just like Christmas. Not the killing but a money making scheme for shops. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas but Valentines? No. Fucking. Way.

I think now is the time for me to get up, although my back is kind of achy. After my back bend yesterday, my back hasn't been right. It never hurts like this. I clamber out of my bunk to grab some coffee before Jimmy steals it all. (Again.) As my feet touch the ground, my back makes a painful cracking sound.

"Ah, shit!" I scream out, holding onto my back and curling up on the floor.

"Lindsey? Are you okay?" I hear a worried Kitty shout over from the other side of the tour bus. 

"No, my back! It just cracked." Footsteps become closer to me until I hear a sigh of... Relief?

"You're so silly Z. Under where your back was, while you were watching the back of your eyelids, is your phone. It must have made you sleep awkwardly. Come on, get up and we'll get some pain killers for you."

She reaches out and offers me a hand up. As any normal person, I accepted this offer. She pulls me up, holds onto my hips and helps me over to the sofa. I love Kitty y'know? We usually are best friend Valentines together. She makes me a card every year and I'll take her shopping. It's just how it goes. While Jimmy will be fucking his girlfriend in the ass and Steve playing on his guitar, us girls will be being normal. Ish. Maybe. We have an excuse called being in Mindless Self Indulgence. We don't need to be normal.

I look over to Kitty and see her searching through the cupboards. Probably still looking for my pills. They could be anywhere to be honest. I can never keep track of them thanks to Jimmy. He likes to pretend he's a drug dealer and walk up to people in the street asking if they want any ProZac or Naproxen.

Fucking Idiot.

Then again, he did write songs called Pussy All Night and Dicks Are For My Friends. Same excuse as me and Kitty. He's in Mindless Self Indulgence. No need to be normal.

"I notice Jimmy and Steve didn't seem bothered?"

They're probably playing dungeons and dragons. Am I right?

"Dungeons and Dragons, Z." Kitty says looking through the cupboards, not really interested. I take it back. I'll be my own fucking Valentine. I'll buy my own fucking card. God, I fucking hate Valentines.

"Yo, Kits?" Jimmy asks while strutting into the room with his usual spiky green or pink hair. Depends on the day. It's pink today.

"What's up?" She says removing her head from the cupboard.

"What's the set list tonight, motherfucker?"



Evening Wear

Never Wanted To Dance/Prom

Shut Me Up

Ass Backwards

Fuck Machine



and other shit like that, if I remember rightly."

"So all the good songs then?" Jimmy spoke up. I wouldn't say all the good songs I mean I like Panty Shot and Tornado.

"Oh and Panty Shot and Tornado."

That's more like it.


"Dress me. Dress me like a pretty fucking princess. I have no fucking bow tie. IT'S AN EVENING WEAR MASSACRE. NO BOW TIE, NO MOTHERFUCKING EVENING WEAR! I wanna be a pretty princess. Dress me like a pretty fucking princess."

Girls and some boys started throwing shirts, bras and skirts. And Jimmy wore it all. Except the bottles of piss, he wouldn't wear them. Fuck you Jimmy. Fuck you.

The song kicked in and more thrashing around from all 4 of us began. 

"I got myself a fucking life, dressed up in EVENING WEAR!"

When the day was finally done, I curled up in my bunk and reminisced the memories of today.

Did I tell you how much I love my band?

Part Of The Addiction. (Mindless Self Indulgence Fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now