|Chapter 50: Exams and Worry|

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"How much have you revised for this Math exam?" Lizzie asked, hands mingled with the strands of hair on her head and fretting profusely about what was becoming imminent.

"A lot, I guess," I confessed. "I mean, I've been having to cut time spent with Jason so I could revise more. He wants me to do well."

Lizzie snapped her gaze over to me which had previously been targeting a couple of senior girls all glancing over pieces of paper which would be their revision. "You're bound to do well, it's in your blood!" she hissed. "You'll get top marks!"

"And so will you," I retorted. "You just have to believe in yourself."

Lizzie muttered a bunch of incomprehensible sentences whilst intermingling a few profanities in there too until we got into the hall where she silenced at once. The exam wasn't too difficult and I kept glancing over at Lizzie who seemed to be scrawling on the paper incessantly so I took that as a good sign. And when it was over, she was actually smiling.

"It went quite well," she informed. Then the smile perished and she added, "But now it's time for Biology after lunch. Oh God, this is my worst one."

This time, instead of offering advice and consoling her and praising her throughout lunch, I used silence as a substitute, pretending I hadn't heard her and my attention was elsewhere, which ergo meant my attention landed on Miles who was gossiping with some of his friends. They all looked quite affirmative, nodding and glimpsing around at anyone endeavouring to eavesdrop. Miles spoke in low whispers and his lips barely moved, so when we were called into the hall, I had to cease. Curiosity piqued, dejectedly, it lowered my concentration on the paper. Something was going on.

After the exam, I tried to hurry out of the hall as fast as I could to see if I could follow Miles. He strutted down the corridor with his gang of friends. But they didn't even bother going to their lockers and ambled straight out of school. On the other hand, I had to stay at my locker to get some of my revision and Lizzie and Matt made their way to me. By the time we got out of the building, they were all leaving in their cars, but not in their usual direction of the school. Instead of turning left towards residents of The Valley, they turned right to the direction of The District.

"Where do you think they're going?" I asked, watching the cars one by one exit the vicinity by turning right.

By the time Lizzie had caught on to what I was indicating to, the cars had banished from sight and she said, "Let's get home. I need to revise for English tomorrow."

"I have Textiles."

"Lucky you."

As I made my way to my car, another car made their way noisily into the school parking lot. Everyone was staring at this inexplicable car, not knowing who was driving. But when I diverted my gaze to the car, I knew instantly who it was. The car alone was a dead giveaway. Jason was striding out of the car after parking haphazardly and his eyes were on me. He was ignoring most of the girls who were staring at him, flushed and prepared to swoon if he gave them a moment's attention. Some were pulling their tops down to expose more cleavage and their skirts up. Others wearing jeans slumped away. Jason wasn't wearing something extravagant, either considering he was wearing his cobalt overalls and a white tank top. He was even sporting his typical sunglasses.

"Something's wrong," he said immediately.

Everyone was staring and gawping at me. Well, candidly, they were gawping at both of us and then glaring at me because Jason was giving me the time of day and not any other girls. But the fact that pleasantries were out of the window and even small talk. Then Jason turned around and glanced behind him. Most people were still gawking at us which were a deterrent for telling me what was going on, here in the school parking lot.

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