|Chapter 14: Secrets Spilled|

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It was lunch, and with the standard package of Lizzie, she was dying to know what was going on with me the past week.

So when she dragged me off to the nearby girls' bathroom, we were both pinned against the coral pink counters of the sinks next to one another. Impatiently we waited and then she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Right, you've been acting so weird this past week and I want you to spill every little last detail, alright?" she sternly said, pointing her newly-manicured and acrylic nail at me.

I sighed, quarrelling with myself to whether I should or not divulge all of this to her. But it did ultimately come down to one thing: she was my best friend and if I concealed this from her for much longer and progressed on with the peculiarity of my behaviour, I might lose my one and only friend. For a rich girl, I wasn't basking in wads of people and drowning with popularity, was I? I was just like an ordinary commoner: quite lonesome.

"Alright," I relinquished, "but please no judgments until I'm finished, alright?"

So I enlightened her with everything that included meeting Jason last Thursday by the near-crash, seeing him again later racing a longer stretch of road (we kept to the simple short ones when we went for the money together), to meeting Jackson and securing the perilous deal. Then it escalated to getting my car serviced by him and making Mother suspicious of my presence being known in The District to week nights where I had to spend them with him and racing to get the extra money. Then Miles came into the story with him stalking us and telling me he cared about me still.

"Yeah, he'd been acting a little weird, too," she perceived, staring off into the sink. "He kept coming up to me and asking about you. I had no idea what to tell him." Her eyes landed back on me. "And he kept stalking you... what does Jason think of him? Wait, what happened after?"

My story was nearly finished now with the money exchange between Jackson, Jason and I. Then the little scuffle between Jason and Miles and then it finally ends with the conclusion of Jason and I never having to meet ever again. Then I stayed silent and awaited Lizzie's reply in which she would probably deem my week outlandish and adrenaline-racing – as well as the most blatant of death-defying.

She whistled. "That's one packed week," she settled on.

I waited a few more moments just to see if she would add anything else to her deduction. Then when she didn't, I pressed on further to see if she had any advice going spare, too. I could use some of anything right now. Just as long as she'd utter something useful to me so I could take into consideration.

"Yes, and?" I prompted.

"And I think it's good you'll never see him again. This gives you time to be with your family and support your parents with the new pier being built. Apparently the council are really excited for it. And plus, it gives you time to deal with Miles. By the sounds of it, he isn't going to give up any time soon."

"Great," I replied sardonically. "That makes me so happy. And I completely forgot about the pier. Building will start soon, won't it?"


"Fine, come on then. I've told you everything. And I would actually like to eat something as this is our lunch break."

I opened the door to the girls' bathroom just as Lizzie said, "I think they have meatballs today. I hope I'm right."

"Meatballs sound good," I said, deterred by the stench of food wafting in from the lunch hall nearby.

"Do you think Miles will come up to you again today?"

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