Chapter 14

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i love the ending to this chappie :) idk why


I calmly drove out of Maryland and into West Virginia, passing the border and leaving it behind us. Neither Jason nor I had any idea where we were going. Of course, we needed a place to stay for the night, and we were planning on some cheap motel. The cash I brought with me was going to come in handy, since if we used credit cars the government would know where we are.

            Surprisingly, I knew all of that before Jason even told me. He was impressed.

            “So um, when did you become so badass?” he asked from the passenger seat. I pulled off an exit that said motel eight here.

            “After watching you,” I answered quickly, and turned to glance at him. He had a huge smirk plastered on his face. In fact, he’d been wearing that expression since we got into the car.

            “We needed to ditch this car a long time ago,” he said slowly, expression changing for the first time.

            “We can’t have it near us though, can we?” I asked.

            He smiled. “You’re learning.”

            I parked the car on the side of the road and stepped out of it.

            “Get out,” I commanded him. He smirked and stepped out of the car, holding my GPS.

            “When did you get to be so feisty?” he asked.

            “When I saved your goddam life. When was that again?” I pretended to ponder. “Oh yeah. Two hours ago.”

            “You got me into that situation in the first place,” he stated, crossing his arms.

            “Because you wanted to kill the president and I wasn’t going to let you do that…” I said slowly.


            “I didn’t want you to get into even bigger trouble for that.”

soNormal">            Lies.

            I wanted to do the right thing and save the president. And even right now, I’m doing the wrong things for the right reasons.

            Well, somewhat. Yes, I’m in love with Jason, though I’m yet to admit it to him. So, I didn’t want him to die, obviously. But I needed to be around him to make sure he doesn’t get into more trouble. In order to do that, I had to break him out of prison.

            Anyway, that’s what I’m telling myself.

            “Mhm,” he said, not buying it. We didn’t have time to discuss it right now, and he knew it.

            “Whatever. I like this side of you. It’s kinky,” Jason said.

            I laughed lightly and shook my head. Only he would say that under these circumstances.

            “So, I don’t see a car wash,” I said. I told him about how I stole the last car like that. Needless to say he was impressed.

            He clapped his hands together. “Lesson one about being a criminal: hotwiring cars.”

            His eyes scanned the cars on the road, and nothing really looked appealing to me. We weren’t in a heavily populated area, so the few cars around weren’t the most luxurious.

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