Once upon a time in a world wher- "yeah no stop! We are not doing this."
Have you ever had one of those days were you wish to be someone or somebody else?...
Have you ever wished upon on a star?...
Well I have I wished I could live a different life...
I groan as I wake up hearing my alarm go off on my phone grabbing it and cutting it off I sight realizing its the end of summer and that hell begins aka school with that thought I get up and head to the bathroom brush my teeth and shower after wrapping a towel around myself I walk back into my room looking for something to wear
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after that I left my hair into it lose waves. Heading down stairs I see my mom cooking breakfast * good morning mom* I say walking over to her and kissing her cheeks * morning honey.. are you ready for your first day of school *she asked with bright smile with tired eyes. That's my mom for you she tries to act like everything is okay but it's not she's always at work it surprised me that she's not right now *your not at work why?* I ask knowing that she loves her job and if she could will probably live at the hospital. Oh God I'm so sorry where my manner my name is Bella Black and I'm 17 years old.. yeah that's all you need to know about me right know and the person in front of me is Even Black my mom.
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When you look at us you will think that im adopted I even thought so but she said I actually got my looks from my dad which lead me to think that's why she works so much ever time she sees me she think of him. Now I know what your think is he dead or something the answer to that is no he left us i was three at the time so I actually have no memory of him which I can't concerned if its a good or bad thing. *I took a day off I mean I had to wish you good luck on your first day of school* I smiled a little and mumbled thanks *toast I can make toast..and eggs * i laugh a little shaking my head *it's all about the coffee mom* I say walking over making two cups after finishing I hand one to her and took a sip out of it burning my tongue a little. -5 min later - I sight as I look at the time *I have to go mom before I miss the bus * *okay bye darling have a good day and make new friends * I sight as I grab my backpack heading out the door *if only it was that easy * 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》 Getting on the bus I hold my head down and go to the back where there is an empty seat. I take out my earphones and listening to music hoping no wishing that this year be different.