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Taeyeon mutters a string of curse words under her breath that are so foul Seohyun would reprimand her if she ever heard her say it out loud. She dunks the mop into the bucket before wringing the material dry. Of course, Yuri, Yoona, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Sunny decided to drag the poor girl into their daily prank, and it may have gone too far because their year advisor has placed them all on detention – "Really, it's cleaning duties," Sooyoung complains – in different areas of the school. Unfortunately for Taeyeon, she's designated the largest area; the gymnasium.
She hears some students walking past loudly humming to a mainstream song and it reminds her that the talent show is days away. Yoona had signed her up without her permission and when she was finally told about it, she freaked out. Although she was known as a good singer in the school and had taken part in several musical productions, this wasn't just a performance in front of her peers; this was a performance in front of the Jessica Jung – her crush.
Of course, it shouldn't make a difference that Jessica would be in the audience because she had attended and participated in the previous years, but it makes Taeyeon more self-conscious of herself and overly worried that she'll screw up and humiliate herself in front of the other girl...which she's done plenty of times over the past year, courtesy of Yoona and Sooyoung. She doesn't need to add another mortifying incident to the growing list.
Taeyeon scans her surroundings and after concluding that there's no one around, she decides to sing the first song that she can remember from the top of her head as a warm up exercise.
"Let me cater to you, cause baby this is your day. Do anything for my man, baby you blow me away. I got your slippers, your dinner, your dessert and so much more; anything you want just let me cater to you."
At the end of the verse, Taeyeon shakes her head.
"Aish, this won't do," She mutters, fumbling around her pocket for her phone. She taps on the screen and opens up her messages, scrolling down until she reaches Yuri's name. She reads the text message containing the song name but cocks her eyebrows at the song recommendation; she's not going to sing such a silly song at the talent show. Sighing, she goes back to her messages and taps on Yoona's name. Taeyeon coughs as soon as she sees the title of the song suggested by the younger girl and immediately closes the messaging app. She's grateful that no one else is in the hall otherwise they would see her fanning her now crimson cheeks.
Deciding that the recommendations from her friends won't do, she racks her brain for any song that is somewhat decent and appropriate to sing to the audience. When she hears the faint sound of the school band in the background, a light bulb illuminates itself inside Taeyeon's head and takes her back to a particular Friday afternoon in the music room.

Classes had ended for the day and students began to file out of the classrooms towards the front gate. As Taeyeon placed her maths book into her bag, she felt a vibration in her pocket and pulled out her phone. She read the text message sent to her from Yoona and sighed. Apparently, Yoona was held up at the weekly student council meeting whilst Hyoyeon was being kept back for detention. That meant she had to wait for an hour at school for her sister and her cousin, and she would rather spend the time wisely than sitting on the silver seats staring at the football field.
Seeing that the library was closed and she had no athletic bone in her to go to the gym, she made her way to the music room. As she walked through the corridor, she passed by Tiffany who gave her a smile and then returned her attention to the phone call she was attending to. She wasn't sure if she heard correctly, but she could hear the other girl loudly whispering into her phone that 'she's approaching!' Of course, Taeyeon had no idea who 'she' was but decided to mind her own business.
Taeyeon's hand made contact with the slightly ajar door and just as she was about to push it open, she heard a piano playing a melody she knew, accompanied by a beautiful voice. She recognised the voice immediately; it was her rival Jessica Jung who had always made it a point to compete against her.
Jessica's hands were poised on the keys of the piano and moved up and down as she sang along to the song. Taeyeon admired the way her eyes were closed and how gracefully she played the musical piece. She didn't notice she was staring until the last key was pressed and the player stared back at her.
"Well well well Kim, I'm surprised you didn't take your eyes off me because you're usually looking anywhere but me," Jessica teased, the corner of her lips turning into a smirk. Taeyeon rolled her eyes.
"I came here to practise only to see you playing the piano. Naturally, I'd look to see who else is in the room," Taeyeon responded, crossing her arms in front of her. Taeyeon payed attention to the way Jessica's eyes dilated in surprise before returning to a neutral expression.
"Well, the room's occupied by me. I booked the room for this afternoon."
"No need to be rude Jung; I'm going to leave. Just close the door next time," Taeyeon said. She was about to shut the door behind her when Jessica called her back. The older girl turned around to face the girl on the piano stool but frowned when Jessica's words were too quiet to hear.
"I was going to say that you can use the room too," Jessica shyly said, scooting over to leave some space on the stool. Taeyeon mustered a smile and walked over to the girl. She stopped and reached over to grab the sheet music from the music desk, flicking and scanning through the paper before placing it back onto the desk. She noted that Jessica had made some notes on the margins, but they were all coded in some Jung language that she could not understand.
"I knew you made a pun," Taeyeon said, pointing towards the title of the musical piece and confirming her suspicions. Jessica grinned at her.
"The song mesmerised you so that you couldn't take your eyes off me, pun intended," Jessica replied. Taeyeon giggled and shook her head at the girl before sitting beside her. They spent the rest of their time disastrously playing random songs and singing themselves silly.
Yoona and Hyoyeon ended up waiting for Taeyeon as they stood outside the school gates for her.

Taeyeon shakes her head – it's a habit she's been doing too much of lately. She picks up the forgotten mop on the floor and begins to clean the floor again when she realises the perfect song to sing at the talent show.
She checks her surroundings again before clearing her throat. It's been a while since she's sung this song (the last time was when she and Jessica were mucking around in the music room) and even though no one else is in the gym, she's a bit nervous singing the song aloud.
"I love you baby and if it's quite alright, I need you baby to warm the lonely nights. I love you baby; trust in me when I say..."
As Taeyeon sings, she gains more confidence in herself and begins to use the mop as a microphone stand. Her hands are raised in the air and she moves them freely to the sound of her vocals, as though she's singing in a musical.
Too engrossed in singing the song, she fails to notice two figures standing at one of the open doors to the gym. Yoona had already finished cleaning her area in the school and was walking past with Jessica when curiosity got the better of them and they stopped to stare at the body freely dancing and not doing their duties. Yoona nudges Jessica and playfully wiggles her eyebrows, only to be lightly slapped by the silently laughing girl who quietly slips into the gymnasium and makes her way to the front bleachers. She smiles in adoration at Taeyeon's beautiful voice resonating throughout the hall and her carefree nature of swaying her body to the song.
Watching Taeyeon singing her favourite song reminds Jessica of a particular incident that she's very fond of.

Hiding in the library was one of the best decisions Jessica had made. She was thankful she was a senior and was given some privileges, so it would not be suspicious that she was out of class. She rested her head on her arms and closed her eyes when two hushed voices distracted her from her attempts to sleep.
"Why are we in the library?" A voice quietly whined. Jessica immediately identified that it was Yoona who asked the question.
"Because, my dear Yoongie, there's something I need to find," the other person answered. Jessica gasped into her arms; she didn't think Taeyeon would be wandering around the school and out of class. She knew that although the girls dragged the oldest into their pranks, Taeyeon would refuse at times. The older girl's appearance made something sink in Jessica though; why was Yoona there and what was her relationship with Taeyeon that caused the latter to call her 'dear Yoongie'?
"Is it in the library?"
"No," Taeyeon replied. Jessica heard the sound of a hand swatting a head and Taeyeon let out an 'ouch' before clamping her hands over her mouth.
"What was that for?" Taeyeon hissed. Jessica raised her head slightly and could make out the older girl rubbing her head where Yoona had hit her. She tried to muffle the squeal erupting from her mouth as she watched Taeyeon adorably pout.
"Why are we in the library if the thing you're looking for is not here?"
"Do you want Mr Choi to catch us loitering in the corridors when we're meant to be in class? I only chose the library because I initially thought it was here and at least we can talk here and not be easily caught."
"But Siwon is Sooyoung's brother; he's not going to dob us in."
"The world works in strange ways, my dearest cousin. Now, help me find –"
A gasp rendered Taeyeon silent and she closed shut the book she was pretending to read. Turning around the corner, she spotted a mass of brown hair slouched over on the table.
"Is something wrong Taeng – oh," Yoona said, recognising the person who was resting her head on the table. She was a bit surprised to see Jessica Jung in the library, but she couldn't complain since she was also a stranger to the place.
"Yoongie, I think I remember where it is. Can you go to the science labs? I might have left my notebook there," Taeyeon uttered softly, stepping forwards until she was beside the girl sitting at the table. Jessica felt the motion and silently prayed she wouldn't be caught in the act. She heard soft footsteps padding away on the carpet before she heard Yoona's voice.
"Are you coming Taeng?"
"I'll meet up with you in a sec. I have something to do first."
Jessica silently gulped when Yoona's footsteps fade away and the chair beside her was pulled away for Taeyeon to sit herself on. She was grateful that she had buried her face into her arms; if Taeyeon saw her face now it would blow her cover.
She tried not to flinch when a hand came into contact with her head and sighed when Taeyeon stroked her hair and ran her fingers through her locks.
"Why can't I take my eyes off you? Silly girl, you're going to get a sore neck," Taeyeon whispered gently. Jessica heard the older girl's chair scraping across the carpet before hands lifted her head and placed it onto something soft.
Her self control was at its limit when she felt lips on her forehead followed by a hand softly patting her head. She counted until the older girl's footsteps were no longer heard and then raised her head from its position. Jessica's fingers rubbed against the material of Taeyeon's folded jacket and she grinned so widely that when she sat beside Tiffany during English class, her friend faced the other direction and deliberately whipped out her sunglasses because 'your smile is too bright I need to save my eyes before I go blind'.

When Taeyeon nears the end of the song, Jessica decides it's time to make her presence known, Jung style.
"I love you baby and if it's quite alright, I need you baby to warm the lonely nights –"
"It's definitely alright and I can personally warm you up."
"Oh my god!" Taeyeon says, clumsily stepping backwards and dropping the mop in the process. Jessica smiles at her and stands up from her seat on the bleachers, her eyes crinkling with amusement. Judging by the deep blush on Taeyeon's face, she's definitely sure the older girl understands her innuendo.
"Omo omo omo omo. What are you doing here? Why are you here?" Taeyeon splutters, fumbling around to get the mop.
"I happened to walk by and heard someone singing so I decided to see who it was. It turns out it was you," Jessica replies with a smug grin on her face. Taeyeon blushes and manages to grasp the mop from the floor. She stands up and holds the mop to her side as a support system, but because the floor is still slippery the mop ends up slipping through her fingers and landing back onto the floor.
"You seem a little flustered Kim. What's making you all jittery?" Jessica asks, stepping closer to Taeyeon until there's a metre's distance between them. The older girl is blushing profusely and Jessica internally smirks knowing that she has such an effect on the girl.
"Oh look! Donghae is here!" Taeyeon unexpectedly says, pointing to a spot behind Jessica's head. The girl turns around, only to snap her head back at the sound of sneakers attempting to run across the gymnasium floor before there's a yell and arms are flailing in the air. Taeyeon braces herself for the impact with the floor when a pair of arms wrap around her waist and pull her close to a body. She counts a few seconds before she opens her eyes, and they widen when she realises whose arms she's in.
"Hi," Jessica says, looking down and flashing her a teasing smirk.
"Omo omo omo omo!" Taeyeon exclaims, and she tries to push herself off the girl but the pair of arms around her waist keep her in place.
"Where are you going?"
"Ha! I'm on detention so if you don't mind, I've got this entire gym to mop and –"
"That can wait. This is more important," Jessica interrupts, tightening her hold around the girl. Taeyeon rapidly blinks at how close Jessica is to her and she tries to focus on everything but the brown eyes in front of her. Unfortunately, it's hard for her when Jessica's button nose and pouting lips are too adorable and only centimetres away from her face.
"Firstly, I don't like Donghae in that way so you don't have to worry if he's here or anywhere around me."
"Omo! But he asked you to the talent show."
"And I rejected. I don't plan on going with any guys in the future."
"W-what? Omo omo omo omo omo."
"I said I don't plan on going with any guys in the future," Jessica repeats. The blank look on the other girl's face surprises her; Tiffany had told her Taeyeon was a bit oblivious but she didn't realise the girl was this dense.
"I'm gay Taeyeon. I'm interested in the same sex. Attracted to girls. I like girls. I –"
"Omo! I get it," Taeyeon announces, lightly pushing the girl away when she realises that they've been in a compromising position for the past five minutes. The younger girl doesn't budge and instead pulls her even closer than before. Taeyeon gulps.
"Good, because I was running out of words to say," Jessica replies. Taeyeon rolls her eyes in response and the younger girl removes a hand from Taeyeon's waist to poke one of her cheeks.
"I do have someone that I want to go to the talent show with."
"Omo omo omo. You do?" Taeyeon squeaks. Jessica notices the slight look of dejection on her face before it's masked with a look of curiosity.
"Yes. Why, are you jealous?"
"What? No! Is it Fany?"
"Ewww no! Tiff and I are practically sisters Taeyeon," Jessica retorts, shaking her head when she thinks of her best friend and her being a couple. She'd rather eat anything over dating Tiffany...except cucumbers. Jessica would never touch a cucumber.
"Yoongie? Sooyoung? Yuri? Hyo –"
"Before you rattle off everyone on that long list of yours, let me just tell you that you're completely incorrect."
"How would you know?" Taeyeon asks, sceptical of Jessica's assumptions.
"Because, you would list everyone except yourself."
"...W-what? Omo!"
Jessica shrugs her shoulders and decides that she needs to explain it in a different way for Taeyeon to understand.
"You're just too good to be true; can't take my eyes off you. You'd be like heaven to touch; I wanna hold you so much," She sings, pulling Taeyeon forwards so that their noses bump into each other.
"I still don't under – mmph!"
Taeyeon feels soft lips on hers and can taste the strawberry chapstick the younger girl is wearing. Jessica sucks her upper lip and then her bottom lip. She sighs when Taeyeon's frozen still and swipes her tongue across the girl's lips, letting the other girl know she's serious. The older girl immediately opens her mouth and a warm bubbly feeling is elicited in her stomach when Jessica's tongue enters and teasingly flicks her own. They pull apart but Jessica can't resist the silly dazed look on Taeyeon's face and ends up pressing kisses on her lips.
"Now do you understand?" Jessica asks. Taeyeon nods furiously and tucks a loose strand of hair behind the younger girl's ear.
"Good, because I won't take my eyes off you when you're on stage."
Jessica's heart flutters at the dopey grin on her lover's face and pulls her back in to continue their kissing session.

Neither of them complain when their year advisor places the both of them on detention until the day of the talent show, because Seohyun's gym teacher had informed her that the cleaning supplies were left in the middle of the gymnasium floor.

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