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One year later..

Updated Dec 12, 2016
Published Dec 12, 2016
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers-only
Tags jessica taeyeon taengsic
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It's a hot summer's day and the girls decide to congregate at Taeyeon's house. Unfortunately for the oldest, the poor girl was only informed of this decision minutes before Sooyoung bursts through the door and shouts "Where's the food?" whilst Tiffany scrunches up her nose at how appalling the colour scheme in the house is, twirls a finger around the living room and declares 'this all needs to be pink'.
As more of the girls arrive, Taeyeon pulls Hyoyeon and Yoona by the ears into her bedroom.
"What on earth is going on?" She asks, crossing her arms in front of her.
"Well, someone is a little upset so we decided to have a get together. Plus, it's boring seeing your face all the – okay okay okay I'm sorry!" Hyoyeon tries to avoid the pillow her sister is wielding in her hands whilst sniggering away at Taeyeon's reaction. Although her sister can be intimidating at times, she can't help but snicker at Taeyeon's choice of weapon.
"Well?" Taeyeon demands, dropping the pillow back on her bed and crossing her arms.
"We wanted to cheer you up since you and Sica Unnie haven't been talking to each other for a while," Yoona replies, rubbing the red cartilage that had been pulled.
"Sooyeon and I are fine; I don't need any –"
"You know, crossing your arms in front of your chest only emphasises your breasts," A teasing voice calls out. All three figures in the room turn their heads towards the person leaning against the bedroom door.
Jessica screams bloody murder and rushes down the stairs when pillows come flying out of Taeyeon's room.

After unsuccessfully persuading Taeyeon to join the rest of the girls, Hyoyeon and Yoona go back downstairs to entertain the guests. Taeyeon can hear the sound of Yuri's laughter bouncing off the walls as she pores over her chemistry textbook. She knows it's a bit too early to study but she doesn't want to face her girlfriend at this time.
She jumps when a pair of arms wrap themselves around her shoulders and a peck is placed on her cheek.
"Taengoo," Jessica cooes, poking the girl's cheeks. The other girl only puffs her cheeks and pays attention to the chemical equations in front of her.
"You don't have to look at this chemistry textbook to find the chemistry between us," Jessica remarks. She yelps when an elbow hits her in the stomach and she closes her eyes as she doubles over. Jessica glances up at her girlfriend but Taeyeon's eyes are still fixated on the book in front of her. She watches as her girlfriend circles something on the page.
"I'm sorry; I just can't help it when you're so adorable," Jessica says, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist. Taeyeon shrugs the arms away but the younger girl tightens her hold.
"Please come down. The girls don't like it when you're cooped up here alone and you need to take a break. Even Seohyun said you shouldn't study too much," Jessica says softly, burying her face into Taeyeon's shoulders. She's grateful that her girlfriend doesn't remove her arms and she plants another kiss on Taeyeon's cheeks in return. Her girlfriend continues to puff up her cheeks but she's no longer making notes, which either indicates a good sign or that Taeyeon's feeling guilty.
Jessica grins.
"I love you baby and if it's quite alright, I need you baby to warm the lonely nights. I love you baby; trust in me when I say –"
"Fine, I'll go down," Taeyeon finally surrenders. Jessica spins her chair around and beams brightly at her girlfriend before swooping down and landing kisses on her face. The giggle she hears in response only makes her smile more widely.

When Taeyeon and Jessica walk down hand in hand, Sunny nudges Tiffany, who loudly announces that the couple are approaching. Jessica rolls her eyes and places a protective arm around her girlfriend, pulling her closer to her body.
"Gosh Jessica, we're not going to do anything to Taeng," Sooyoung says, waving a fried chicken drumstick in the air.
"Good, because Taengoo here is mine," Jessica declares, leaning over to plant a wet kiss on her girlfriend's unsuspecting lips. The dazed look Taeyeon gives her makes her lean in for more.
"Okay! Now that we're all here, let's play a game," Hyoyeon says, blindly handing over a plate of fried chicken to her sister. Blindly, because she's covering her own eyes with her free hand.
"Ummm Hyo? You gave the dish to Yoona," Yuri states. Hyoyeon opens her eyes and gasps in horror at the plate being empty; the food being devoured by her very own cousin who appears to have melted in a pool of happiness.
"Yah! That was Taeng's!" Hyoyeon reprimands, slapping the back of Yoona's head, then slapping her hand when Yoona reaches over to sneakily grab another chicken drumstick. Her cousin pouts in response and gives her a puppy eyed look but she glares back. Hyoyeon reaches over and grabs another portion of food, making sure that she gives it to the correct person.
"Thanks Hyo," Taeyeon says, offering a piece of chicken to Jessica who happily accepts.
"Anyways, as I was saying, let's play a game," Hyoyeon announces, looking around at every girl's reaction. Seohyun raises a meek hand in the air.
"Is there going to be any alcohol involved?" The youngest girl asks. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon laugh.
"No, did you want some?" Hyoyeon answers, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Seohyun swats her away and picks up a sweet potato because she would never, ever lay her hand on a piece of fried chicken. Ever.
"Let's play truth or dare using spin the bottle," Tiffany offers, a mischievous smile making an appearance. Taeyeon groans in response because she's never really liked the game. A pat on her knee followed by a hand intertwining in hers makes her feel more at ease, and she turns to smile at her girlfriend who beams back in response.
"Alright! Do you have a bottle of wine somewhere?" Sunny says, standing up to retrieve the object.
"I'll get it Unnie," Yoona says, standing up and leaving the room, only to return later with a bottle of Baileys in her hand. She places it on the floor and the girls gather in a circle around the bottle.
"Who wants to spin first?" Yuri asks. All the girls point to Taeyeon, who lets out another groan and puffs up her cheeks. She reaches over and spins the bottle, and all the girls watch as it lands on Tiffany.
"Truth or dare?" Taeyeon asks, leaning back into Jessica's arms. Jessica plants a peck on her hair and rests her head on her girlfriend's collarbones.
"I know it was a few years ago but what did you mean when you said 'she's approaching'?"
"What do you mean?" Tiffany asks, confusion laced in her voice. It's clear to Taeyeon that she doesn't remember at all.
"A few years ago when school had ended for the day, I was walking to the music room and you were on your phone. As I walked past, you told the person in the phone call with you that 'she's approaching' so I was curious who you were referring to."
Taeyeon notes how Jessica arms stiffen immediately and when she turns around to face her, her girlfriend's face has turned considerably crimson. She also observes how the corner of Tiffany's lips begin to form a smile before it settles into a smirk.
"Oh, well that was because Jessi –"
"– had a massive crush on you at the time so I told her you were approaching the music room. She needed time to prepare herself for your arrival and was very excited that you came."

"Listen to me very carefully okay? If Taeyeon is somewhere near me, I want you to tell me immediately. Phone call, text message, passing notes, I don't care! As long as you tell me beforehand then I'll go shopping with you," Jessica said as she reorganised the sheet music in front of her. She was practising the song she was to perform for the upcoming talent show but a certain midget kept distracting her.
"But why does it bother you so much that Taeyeon's around?" Tiffany replied, placing her school books in her locker. She was grateful that it was the weekends and she had finished the homework due on Monday. The teachers had been lax lately, their primary focus being the talent show and organising the event in the best way possible.
"That doesn't really matter –"
"Do you like her?"
"Don't say it so loudly!" Jessica shrieked, accidentally slamming her hands onto the piano keys. Tiffany jumped, having been startled from the unexpected outburst.
"So you do," Tiffany answered, detecting a small figure moving closer as she spoke. She smiled at Taeyeon and noted that her path seemed to lead towards the music room.
"She's approaching!" She hissed into her phone, the hanging up ringtone greeting her seconds later as she saw Taeyeon stand in front of the door but not entering the room. She watched as Taeyeon engaged in conversation with her friend and was about to close the door and leave when she was called back into the room.
When she had finished depositing her items into her locker, she glanced back at the slightly ajar music room door and grinned when she heard Jessica's and Taeyeon's cheerful laughter ringing through the air.

All the girls shoot Tiffany a look of astonishment when a hand slapping a face reverberates throughout the room and a voice mutters 'I cannot believe I am friends with this pink loving monster'. Jessica hides her face behind her hands but Taeyeon tries to tear them away. She succeeds, but gasps in surprise when Jessica lunges forward, wraps her arms around her and clings onto her tightly. Jessica buries her face into Taeyeon's jacket out of embarrassment.
"You liked me...for five years?" Taeyeon whispers in her ear. Jessica nods, pressing her face onto her girlfriend's neck.
"Omo omo omo! You're so cute," Taeyeon cooes, stroking the girl's hair. Jessica purrs in response and snuggles closer to her girlfriend.
"Taeng, you're no better. You liked Sica Unnie for – mmph!"
Yoona's shocked when Taeyeon shoves a piece of chicken drumstick into her mouth, but happily gobbles down the food.
"What did you like me for?" Jessica asks, lifting her head from its former position and raising her eyebrows at Taeyeon's evasiveness.
"Omo! see, it was –"
"Unnie liked you for the same amount of time as well!" Seohyun pipes up, but backs down immediately when she sees Taeyeon panicking and covering Jessica's ears. Unfortunately for the eldest girl, her girlfriend catches what Seohyun has said.
"So..." Jessica trails off, watching as Taeyeon's eyes dart around the room nervously before they settle back on her. She registers her girlfriend's cheeks puffing up in embarrassment.
"Does this mean that you two would have been together sooner?" Sunny questions, draining a glass of cola before refilling the cup. Seohyun shoots the cup a look of disapproval.
"But...l thought you didn't like me at all," Taeyeon says, shooting her girlfriend a baffled look. Her girlfriend's facial expression only reflects her own.
"But I did like you! I thought you didn't like me!"
"What? Omo omo omo! I did like you. You kept teasing me!"
"I did not!"
"Yes you did!"
"Enough!" Sooyoung intervenes, shaking her head in amusement when the two eldest girls quieten down and glare at each other with their arms crossed in front of their chests.
"So obviously you guys liked each other for a while and only got together last year. Moving on, let's –"
"If you're going to be like this, then I don't even know why we're together!" Jessica vocalises. The stunned look on her girlfriend's face followed by the looks of condemnation on her friend's faces makes Jessica immediately regret her outburst. She reaches out to hold Taeyeon's hand but falters when the girl pulls her hand away and stands up from her spot on the floor. She removes her jacket from her body and drops it onto Jessica's shoulders.
"It's going to be cold later," She mumbles softly, stepping around the girls and walking back up to her bedroom. Before she turns the corner to walk up the staircase however, Taeyeon turns around and faces her girlfriend.
"I know why we're together. Because I like you and I thought you like me," She says quietly before turning away and padding up the stairs.
When Taeyeon's door is gently closed, Hyoyeon shoots her sister's girlfriend a look before shifting the attention back to the game. She knows that her sister needs some time alone and that she doesn't need the girls to cause a ruckus in their household.

Taeyeon's thankful that her sister understands her so well because the house is eerily quiet, save for the sound of Tiffany's muffled voice bouncing through the walls. She hugs onto her bolster and holds her phone in her other hand. She swipes the screen to the side and studies the photos she's taken with Jessica over the course of their relationship. She admits, Jessica's straightforward and unfiltered mouth has some positives and negatives associated with it but she wants to understand the girl better. Unfortunately, it's hard for her when her girlfriend speaks some of the most hurtful truths.
When Taeyeon's door slowly opens and a brown haired head pokes her head in and looks around the room for the room's occupant, Taeyeon discreetly drops her hand and closes her eyes shut. The sound of her door shutting almost makes her open her eyes but then she hears a grateful sigh before the bed dips and a pair of arms wrap themselves around her.
"Taengoo, I know you're awake," Jessica whispers, placing her face into her girlfriend's hair.
"I'm really sorry for saying that. I don't know how I thought of something so hurtful to say to someone as important as you."
Taeyeon scoffs and attempts to remove Jessica's arms but the girl clings on more tightly.
"I'm serious about you. I know that I tease you a lot and it doesn't seem like I'm serious with you but I am. I really like you Taeyeon. I teased you before because I was afraid you didn't like me. I guess over the years I didn't mature and the teasing side of me remained and became worse. But even through all of the teasing, I want you to know that I would never ever joke about our relationship. And besides, I know why I'm in a relationship with you."
"Why?" Taeyeon asks, turning over to face her girlfriend. The comical look on Taeyeon's face when she realises how close her girlfriend's face is to her own makes Jessica giggle before leaning forwards and pecking her lips.
"Because, I like you very very much. So much that I'm sorry that I shouldn't have said that aloud in the mall where everyone suddenly turned to face you and admire your cuteness and how flustered you were."
"Yes, it made me extremely possessive of you and your precious cheeks. Including your butt cheeks."
Just to emphasise her point, Jessica's hands move down and squeeze her girlfriend's bottom.
"I'm leaving," Taeyeon replies, shoving Jessica's arms away and standing up from her bed. Unfortunately, a pair of legs wrap themselves around her before she's falling backwards onto the soft mattress. She squeals when Jessica straddles her and leans down, puckered lips and all. Taeyeon tries to dodge the kisses that are raining down on her, but it's hard when Jessica introduces her tongue into the mix and begins to lick her lips to pry her mouth open.
"No! Omo omo omo!" Taeyeon giggles. Unfortunately, because she's opened her mouth to speak, Jessica's tongue successfully manages to enter and they begin to sloppily kiss each other. They only pull apart when the crotch of Jessica's jeans come into contact with Taeyeon's raised thigh and she moans at the friction.
"Your bed looks so big; why don't we –"
Jessica yelps when Taeyeon pushes her off the bed and out of her room.

"What did you do now?" Yuri asks when Jessica re-enters the living room with a pout on her face.
"I may have said another sexual innuendo," She answers, plopping down beside Tiffany and covering her face in her hands.
"You should have a filter for your mouth Unnie. I thought Taeyeon Unnie was perverted but look at you," Yoona utters. Jessica uncovers her face and glares at her before reaching over and flinging a chicken bone in her direction. Yoona's thankful that Jessica has no sense of direction because the bone lands somewhere near the wall on the other side of the room.
"I can't help it when my girlfriend is too hot and adorable and the bed is right th-th-e-re," Jessica replies. Sooyoung cocks her eyebrows at her friend stretching the last word out but immediately understands when Taeyeon comes down the stairs and glances over at them. All the girls notice how Jessica gulps and tightly clutches her girlfriend's jacket that she's wearing.
"I just came down to say you're welcome to stay for the night," Taeyeon announces, turning on her heels and making her way back to her bedroom. Tiffany jabs Jessica in the stomach and she shoots her a glare before standing up and chasing her girlfriend. Jessica's thankful that Taeyeon's quite a slow walker because she manages to catch up with her at the top of the stairs.
"Taengoo?" Jessica asks, a hopeful look on her face. Taeyeon patiently waits for her to continue speaking but when her girlfriend doesn't say anything, she turns to face her.
"Are you still mad at me?" Jessica says, leaning against Taeyeon's door so she can't enter without pulling her out of the way. She notes how her girlfriend's eyes dart down towards her crossed arms before moving back upwards to study her face. She internally smirks at how obvious Taeyeon is with her not so subtle glances.
Taeyeon puffs her cheeks and Jessica can't resist outstretching a hand and poking them because of how soft they are.
"Are you staying the night?" Taeyeon replies, twisting her head down to focus on the doorknob in her hands. She shrieks in surprise when a pair of arms wrap around her waist and spin her around so that she's leaning against the door. A mouth covers her own and she gasps when Jessica's kisses begin to move up her jaw and onto her ears. She's definitely sure her earlobes are heating up and turning red.
"You're not mad at me, are you Taengoo?" Jessica asks, teasingly nipping the skin on her right ear. She devilishly grins when she hears her girlfriend quietly moan.
"Omo omo omo omo. Why do you do this to me?" Taeyeon whines when Jessica's hand brushes up against the inside of her thigh before sliding underneath her shirt and caressing her skin.
"You like it when I tease you," Jessica says, reaching behind her girlfriend to open the door. They stumble into the room and Jessica locks the door behind her before her hands return to underneath Taeyeon's shirt.
"I hate you," Taeyeon says, bringing up her arms so that her girlfriend can remove her shirt. She returns the favour by tossing Jessica's top to somewhere on the floor of her room.
"I love you too. And don't worry, I'll be staying the entire night and making it up to you so that you're no longer mad at me," Jessica whispers before she unclasps Taeyeon's bra and drops both their bodies on the bed.

When the both of them enter the dining room the next day, all the girls have mortified looks on their faces and avert their gazes when Jessica pulls Taeyeon to sit on her lap so that they can eat breakfast together.

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