Chapter 2

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Hey guys! So I've been trying to figure out a schedule for this story I'm not sure if I'm gonna update once a week or twice but if it's once it's gonna be in Fridays unless I get fine the chapter earlier then you guys get a free present! Yay! Let me stop. Hope you like!



Chapter 2:



"Ow!" I groaned in pain. Not only had my stupid heart had not stopped throbbing since that Lindsey girl was all over Aaron but the position I was currently in also hurt. After the whole 'This Room Is For Family And Friends Only' situation I went to the only place I could. My car. I tried to go to sleep since I wasn't going back to his room any time soon but I couldn't.

"Uhh!" I sighed in frustration sitting up from my position. I took my phone from my back pocket and checked the time.

2:45 am

Igroaned falling back in my chair that had been laid flatout.

Maybe I should go back inside. .

No! She's gonna be in there and he's gonna be sleeping anyway so no.

I gripped my hair groaning frustratedly.

Why is this so complicated!

My head screamed. I closed my eyes trying to sleep. I couldn't. Images of Lindsey and Aaron only made my heart throb more. I clenched my eyes tighter hoping for the images to disappear but only more -how should I say...inappropriatepictures popped up. Not sex you nastys! Just like them showing PDA.

Sex is PDA smart one. . .

Ugh! Shut up!

I opened my eyes and closed them again forcing myself to the images to something better! And it worked! For like two seconds. . everything that I changed, changed back to them! So I only had one solution, went back inside. Hey that or suffer here and get sleep deprived. I got out of my car closing it behind me. I locked the doors and walked inside. There were a few nurses lingering around so I went towards room 245. I walked towards his room and i was in front of his door. I lifted my hand to knock on the door when I heard voices.

"Do you love her? All cards on the table right now, do you love her?" that sounded like Ryan.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" They both stopped for a brief moment and then someone sighed.

"Of course I don't, Jesus, she's-no ew what the hell? She's oh god have you seen her?" I'm pretty sure that Aaron.

"Jesus am I that ugly?" Shoot! I accidentally said out loud. I brung up my hand to my mouth silencing me. My eyes were wide.

"Did you hear that?" Ryan said

"Who was that?" Aaron asked

Go! Run! They're coming! Go back to your car they won't see you! Go! Go! Go!

"I think someone's ou-" but before I could hear the rest of that sentence I left. I did as my subconscious, as always, told me and ran. Well I didn't run cause this is a hospital but I walked very fast. When I made it to my car I unlocked it and sat inside.

Phew! You lucky, lucky beaver Dulce!

I laid down trying, yet again, at a useless attempt to sleep.

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