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Only five, only five, only five, was all that was on the Potters', the Weasleys', and the Malfoys' mind for two weeks. They recently found out an important piece of information from a top secret ministry prototype that was on everyone's wand. It was called the IS-Detector, short for the Identity Spell-Detector. It not only keeps track of where you and your wand are, but also the spells you do. During a test, they found out that Bellatrix had split her soul into six pieces. After three weeks of investigating, the six of them, with the aurors help, concluded that the first horcrux is the sword of gryffindor. Neville was out of town for two weeks, but they were finally going to meet with him so that they can get the sword from him. They didn't think they would be able to as due to the fact that he admired it so much, hanging it on his wall. Once they got to the leaky cauldron, where Neville said to meet him, they were relieved Neville agreed to let them destroy it, knowing how important it was. A couple of aurors went to fetch a fang from the basilisk at Hogwarts.

"Thanks again Neville" said Lavender. "It's alright, I know how important this is. Can me and Luna join you guys on this adventure?" "Of course Neville" said all of them at once. "Meet us at the ministry in 10 minutes" said Hermione "we're destroying it there." "We'll be there" he replied.

Once the eight of them got to the ministry, everything was set up. "You should do it Kingsley" said Harry "Just stab it." Kingsley nodded, and stabbed it as a small dark cloud puffed up from the spot.


She was happily jumping around thinking of ways to kill Harry Potter when the sharpest, most painful feeling stabbed her chest. Then something entered her mind.

"You should do it Kingsley" said Harry "Just stab it." Kingsley nodded, and stabbed a sword as a small dark cloud puffed up from the spot.

When it was gone, something occurred to her. It wasn't just a sword, it was the sword of gryffindor! How did they know?! She would have to find and protect all her other horcruxes now!
Cheering erupted all over the room. Everyone kept yelling, "one down, four to go and we're death eater free!"

Death eater free, Harry liked the sound of that.

Bellatrix ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now