She's Dope

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Me and Jacqueline were getting ready for church (she spent the night over our house). I kind of have to go since I'm the preacher's kid. Jacqueline is only coming because she has a crush on one of the brothers. We get in my car and head on our way and "She's Dope" comes on the radio.

Jacqueline: So, Mike is your man now?
Valarie: I guess so.
Jacqueline: You guess so? The way yall was kissing, you should be positive.
Valarie: And we were enjoying ourselves until you and Rick ruined our moment. Speaking of Rick, you know he likes you right?
Jacqueline: Let's not talk about him right now.
Valarie: Why not?
Jacqueline: You know why not.
Valarie: Oh, that. Girl you trippin. If that happened to me and Mike, I would've helped him out, if you know what I mean
Jacqueline: Yeah I know what you mean, but, I can't do stuff like that though.
Valarie: I know you can't with all them people you live with.
Jacqueline: It's not just that. I can't bring myself to do it.
Valarie: By "it" you mean.....
Jacqueline: Yeah
Valarie: Girl, you a virgin?! What's the matter? You scared of dick or something? *laughs*
Jacqueline: *sighs*
Valarie: Don't be scared, girl, it's just a penis.
Jacqueline: Don't tell nobody.
Valarie: I won't. (pauses)  So, you felt Ricky's thang on you.
Jacqueline: *covering her face* yes.
Valarie: How big was he?
Jacqueline: I'm done talking to you.

We get to the church and find seats then the devotional service starts. After a couple of songs I feel someone tap me. It's Mike.

Valarie: What are you doing here.
Mike: I came to get you.
Valarie: I can't just leave in the middle of service.
Mike: Come on. I'll bring you right back I promise.

I look for my dad to see if he was looking for me. Then I sneak out with him and get it his car.

Valarie: Where we going.
Mike: To the park. Here, put these on. I wanna see how good you are on the court.

He throws me a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. I stare at the side of his head.

Valarie: Right now?
Mike: Yeah.
Valarie: Alright. But don't look at me.

I pull off my dress and put on the clothes and he doesn't look.

Valarie: Fuck you.
Mike: What I do.
Valarie: You didn't even try to look.
Mike: Well, you told me not to, so I didn't.
Valarie: Yeah, but I expected you to, at least, try.
Mike: Okay. I'll look next time, then.
Valarie: It won't mean anything then because you're doing it because I told you to, not cause you want to. You know what, hurry up and get to the park, so I can whoop yo ass.

When we get to the park we play a quick game. He wins but that's only because I still had church shoes on. Then we go to his house to shower up before going back to church. When I got done showering, I got dressed and called out for him so we could go. He didn't answer so I went looking in rooms for him until I found his. I walked in and he was sitting on the bed.

Valarie: You ready?
Mike: Let me see.
Valarie: What?
Mike: I ain't get to see you in the car.
Valarie: Mike stop playing, I need to get back to church.

He walked up to me and started kissing me on my neck and shit. Then he started to lift my dress up. This guy is too much. He leads me to his bed and...... well you know what happens next. I ain't telling all my business. When we get done taking care of business I notice that it has been 5 hours since we left the church.

Valarie: Oh shit. Mike we need to go.
Mike: Why?
Valarie: It's been 5 hours. I need to get back to church.
Mike: Calm down. You know black churches last forever.
Valarie: Not for no damn 5 hours.

We quickly get dressed and go back to church. When we get there, Jacqueline is sitting on the hood of my car.

Valarie: Damn, Jacq. I'm sorry. I lost track of time.
Jacqueline: I didn't even know you left where were you. And your dad was lookin for you.
Valarie: Me and Mike was hangin out at the park.

She looks behind me at Mike. Then she looks back and forth between us.

Jacqueline: You a damn lie. You was out here bein fast. But I figured that you was with him so I covered for you.
Valarie: Thanks girl. See, that's why you my best friend.
Jacqueline: I didn't do it for you I did it for Mike. If your dad kills him, then I don't get my Bobby Brown tickets.

I spent the day with my girl, Val. I'm really feelin her. She dope, for real. After I leave the church from dropping Val off, I go home and Ron and Ricky were there.

Ron: Wassup, Mike.
Mike: Wassup, Ron.
Rick: Hey, Mike.  What you do all day.
Mike: Nothing much. I went to church with Val, but, that's it.
Rick: Stop lying man.
Mike: What you talking bout Rick.
Ron: We came home earlier today and we heard you upstairs with somebody.
Rick: Was it Val?
Mike: That ain't none of your business.
Ron: Well whoever it was, she was loud. We heard her all the way outside.
Rick: Yeah man. She was all "Yeah, don't stop! Right there!"
Mike: *smacks teeth* Shut yo ass up man.

I get up and go to my room while they stay down there laughing. I can't help that I was tearin that ass up.

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