Chapter 5 The Evil Side

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Chapter 5.
Airpaw woke up at dawn.Smallgem did not come to get her.
"Airpaw!"Smallgem's voice came from the outside of the apprentice den.
"I'm coming"Airpaw said.
"You going to have a new mentor" Smallgem meowed.
"Why?"Airpaw asked.
"I am going to have kits" Smallgem said."Your new mentor is Wildclaw"Smallgem said as she padded to the nursery.Wildclaw was standing outside.
"Come on get out of there, it is time for training" Wildclaw snarled.Airpaw sighed. She got up and got ready for training.

"No No No!!" Wildclaw yowled.
"You are doing this all wrong!"Wildclaw growled.
"I am trying!"Airpaw growled.Airpaw got up and pounced at Wildclaw again and this time she got on him and pinned him.
"You are getting better" Wildclaw meowed coldly.

It was the end of training and Airpaw's muscles ached.She ate a mouse and went right the sleep in her nest.

Airpaw woke up in the forest again.
"Ready to train?"Asked Brokenstar as he walked through a thick patch of fog.
"Ready as i'll ever be" Airpaw meowed.
"Good"Brokenstar meowed.He pounced into the air and landed right on top of Airpaw.Airpaw got up and ran up a leafless tree.She ran at full speed and jumped off the tree an landed on Brokenstar, Hard.
"That was good" Brokenstar meowed.Airpaw got off him.Brokenstar stared at her with his amber eyes.He leaped and sank his claws into Airpaw's chest.
"Say hello to your evil side" Brokenstar meowed Cackling.

Airpaw woke up feeling blood on her chest.
"Come one get up!"Wildclaw snarled.
"I am coming"Airpaw snarled as she got up as sore legs.Airpaw and Wildclaw walked out of camp.Airpaw felt different for some reason, like she wanted to hurt the one she hated.When they got to the training grounds Airpaw actually attacked Wildclaw. Airpaw could not control herself.Before she knew it, Wildclaw was on the ground bloody and motionless.Airpaw stared at Wildclaw's body in horror.
"I have to pretend some other cat did this" Airpaw though. Airpaw ran to Rockclan camp. Airpaw was sobbing.
"What happened Airpaw?" Greenpaw asked as she got to the middle of the camp.
"WILDCLAW IS DEAD!!"Airpaw shieked.Everyone around stared at her Airpaw.
"How did this happen?" Twigstar asked.
"We were training as usual, then three rouges jumped through the bushes around us and killed him, and I got away unharmed."Airpaw meowed.Airpaw had picked WIldclaw's fur that was between her claws so there was no evadence that she killed him.
"We will bury him tonight" Twigstar said.

"Tonight we will bury Wildclaw and make sure his spirit goes to Starclan" Twigstar meowed from the giant cliff.Many cats went to sit next to Wildclaw's cold body.Airpaw fell asleep in her nest at moon high.

"I see you have killed your first cat" Brokenstar meowed as Airpaw woke in the misty forest, and this time several cat surrounded her.
"Your next victim will be the one you hate most of all, Stormpaw" Brokenstar meowed into Airpaw's ear.
"It would feel so good to get Stormpaw out of my sight forever"Airpaw admitted.
"Towmarrow when you and Stormpaw are alone, you will get your great revenge"Brokenstar meowed.
"We will be there if you need us" The ghostly cats, including Brokestar, Meowed.
"This revenge is going to be sweet"

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