Chapter 39

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*I hope to have less than 45 chapters... so, we'll see how effective that goal proves to be! Thanks for all the reads.*


Shadefire walked hesitantly through the forest, with a vole in his jaws. Starlingpaw tagged along behind him with two mouses hanging by their tails in his mouth. Starlingpaw looked hopefully at Shadefire, who saw that he was looking at him and smiled awkwardly, dropping the vole. The apprentice laughed, also dropping his prey. They burst out laughing, gathered the prey and moved on.

Dawnstar sat in the undergrowth, hidden by the cats passing by this main path near camp that led pretty much everywhere on the territory. Shadefire had proven to do well with Starlingpaw so far, but it had only been half a moon. Tonight was the Gathering, he remembered. It was Leafpaw, Flamepaw, Stormpaw, Frostpaw and Starlingpaw's first one.

He waited for another patrol to come by and thought about the prophecy. The rogues must be part of it. They have to be. What part could Snowypaw possibly play, as well? She has to choose. Choose what? He knew that the rogues would come soon; he could feel it. The anticipation was eating at him, and had been for a moon.

He focused on the border patrol walking by. Clovermist, Brindlepelt and Sparrowbelly walked behind Eaglefeather, who was talking to his apprentice Flamepaw about the borders. They moved on towards TreeClan. Bouncestorm and Butterpaw were showing Leafpaw how to gather moss, and they soon had mounds of it and went back into camp. He followed them in quietly.

Acornkit and Viperkit ran up to him, chasing each other around between his paws. "Whoa! Watch your step!" he exclaimed. Dawnstar ran across to the medicine den.

He was just about to barge in before he heard voices inside. He felt guilt wash over him as he pricked his ears to listen.

"Cherryfoot?" said Snowypaw.

The medicine cat's voice was impatient. "Yes, what is it?"

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?" she asked warily.

"The prophecy." Her voice was full of interest.

She gulped. "What prophecy?"

"I had a dream a moon ago. I was in a big field of flowers, and the sun was sh-shining..." she stammered. "On one side, Harvey was running to me... I tried to run to him, but then something pulled me back... I turned around, and there was a big darker cat... It looked familiar, too. And there were, like, a Clan's worth of cats behind him. I recognized you, too. I-I tried to run harder towards Harvey, and I felt the pulling stop, but then the sun was covered by clou-" Her voice cracked. "I'm so confused. Do normal apprentices get dreams like that?"

Cherryfoot didn't answer for a long time. When she finally did, her meow was low. "Snowypaw, I... I'm not sure what to say... I have to be honest. I had that same dream." Snowypaw gasped. "Yes, yes. I have a feeling it's going to be important." Her tone was grim. "You must make a decision, and very soon. If you do not choose in the will of StarClan, there will be grave loss."

There was long silence. Dawnstar tried to keep himself from gasping, and just walked away panting. I knew it! Snowypaw is valuable to the prophecy after all. But what must she choose? I-I don't know what to do...

"Rah!" Dawnstar meowed to himself with pure frustration.

"Dawnstar, are you alright?" He stopped at a small voice behind him.

"Yes, Snowypaw, I'm alright," he said, turning around to face the white she-cat. "Is Whispershine around? You two could go hunting. I've noticed that there are more rabbits coming over the FieldClan border."

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