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"An object at rest, stays at rest."

Consistency. Constant changes. Basically sums up my life. I am known for being organized, strictly does what she is instructed to do. A goody two-shoes. Ms. Perfectionist.

But I am not. Well, kind of. Maybe. Well, okay, maybe I am. I always do things according to schedule. And why not? One mistake can change how things work. That's why I tend to do things accurately.

Nice to meet you. My name's Clarisse Smith, a graduating college student at JFK University.

I study BS Physics, in hopes of working as a well-known physician. My love for physics is unexplainable, reaching out to the point where I can't even explain why I started to love it.

My alarm clock started buzzing, and it's just 5 in the morning. It's the first day of summer, but I've planned to roam around town today to look for possible summer jobs. Call me boring, I know. But I have to do this in order to be productive, earn a little money while doing so.

I did my usual rituals, the basic morning routine like taking a bath and getting dressed, then I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I spotted, with no surprise at all, my cousin Jessy. Blonde, petite body, bright face. She's three years older than me but she's more immature. Very carefree,  bubbly, and so annoying.

"Hey nerd," she yawns as I search the upper cabinet for cereals.

"Hey Jesse," I mumble automatically.

Her face brightens as she take a piece of her toast. "What are you up to today?"

I open the fridge to get some milk. "Summer job."

She almost choke on her toast. "What? It's the first day of summer. You must be kidding. "

"No kidding," I shake my head as I sit opposite her, quickly eating my cereal.

She stares unbelievably at me, like she's seeing some ghost. "Dude, loosen up. It's vacation! Don't be some forty year old wannabe! You're still young, enjoy it, Claire!"

I cringe when I hear the name. "Please don't call me Claire. It's Clarisse."

"Wow, of all the things I've said, the only thing you've heard is the name?" she gasps, disappointed.

I roll my eyes. "Grow up, Jessy. "

She sits beside me, puts an arm over my shoulder, and shakes her head. "No Claire, you're the one who's got to grow up. Learn to live!"

I loosen her grip and stand up. "Don't call me that."

"Oh dude, move on! It has been six years!" she shouts as I walk away from the dining area. I pretend to not hear it as I cover my ears with my hands.

She's right. It has been six years. But the impact is still crashing on me like it just happened yesterday. Don't ask me what it is.

"What's all the shouting? It's 5 in the morning," my mother walks out of her study, her glasses on top of her head. It looks like she's still in the middle of some research report.

Her eyes are a bit pale and her cheekbones totally pointed. Many says that I look a lot like her, but I can't quite see the resemblance.

"Nothing, mom. It's just Jessy, the usual," I wave her off as I try to push past her.

"Where are you off to?" she asks, eyeing my casual outfit. She looks tired. I try to feel pity but it just won't show up. Being tired is pretty much normal in the family.

"Town, for some summer job," I said, direct to the point. "I'll be back before sunset."

She bit her lip, obviously wanting to say something, but I just smiled at her. "Have a nice day, mother."

She looks disappointed, but honestly, I couldn't care less. I'm fine with it, really, that's what's going on between us for the past six years. Cold treatment.

I head off to the market, to see my favorite person in the world, Aunt Lucia, a vendor slash physics addict like me, and who also happens to be my best friend's mother.

"Hi, Aunt Lucy!" I greet cheerfully. I sit over the stool beside the strawberry baskets and tasted some fresh fruits, like I always do.

Aunt Lucia beams at the sight of me. "You're here early? Nicole isn't even awake! Bless that child, really."

I laugh, shaking my head. "That girl is something. Well, I guess I should just return later? To pick her up."

"Yeah, I think you should. That girl won't be awake even if Superman came zooming across her room," Aunt Lucia says, nodding her head abruptly.

I hop before agreeing. "Guess I'll see you later then."

Aunt Lucia smiled, "Oh before you go, could you please deliver this basket to Henry? He asked for this early yesterday and I ordered Dylan to do so, but you know that boy, he always fails to follow commands."

She looks at the mango basket hesitantly, then looks at me. "But if it's too much to ask darling, don't bother-"

"Oh no, really, I insist. It's not that hard. Henry's not that far from town. I can guarantee you I won't be troubled," I acknowledge her.

She bit her lip and smiled. "You really are the sweetest. Thank you, Clarisse. "

I carry the basket and told her, "Hey, this is not for free, you know! You have to give me your Physics books in exchange for this!"

She laughed, "Then come over at our house, okay? You're always busy. The last time you visited us was last Easter, and you barely even stayed."

I grinned and waved, "Right. I'll try. See you later then!"

The way to Henry's was not that far. I've been there for almost six times. Henry is Nicole's uncle, and like Aunt Lucia, he is also a market vendor. He is highly respectable, the fact that he was a military soldier before greatly affects the way people treat him.

Bushes. Trees. Narrow hallways. The way to him became so unfamiliar. At first, I didn't panic. But when I walk directly following the path for ten minutes, reaching nothing at all, I started to.

I am in the middle of nowhere. The place is completely nothing, obviously abandoned. Chills run down my spine. I remember every horror movie I've watched and I can't help but imagine the scariest scenes possible. I freaked out.

With no people in sight, I made my way back. I'm almost running because of fear. In the midst of my not so fast laps, I accidentally bumped into someone.

And I don't know if the universe is playing a joke on me or something, because when I look up, I badly wish to return to that empty creepy place, rather than be staring at these very familiar, sweet and loving pair of blue green eyes.

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